Chapter 3 - An almost perfect weekend

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In this moment, it was like a terrible paradise for both of them. Neither of them could,or wanted to, fully accept their feelings for each other. It had only been two days, but they felt like they had known each other for a lifetime.

The pair could deny their feelings all they wanted, but deep down they knew that they were falling in love with one another. Chat took one hand from Marinette's waist and used it to brush a strand of hair that had come loose from one of her ponytails. He didn't know how he had gotten himself into the same predicament twice in a row, but he knew that he couldn't refuse it anymore. It was this moment that he gave in. He knew and accepted that he loved Marinette. It was a sudden but true love. He used the same hand to cup his princess' jaw and he felt her gasp as he did so. He closed his eyes and moved her jaw towards his. He hesitated just before he could bring her lips to his. He felt her breathe, warm against his face.

Marinette knew that she still loved Adrien and that she couldn't change that, but she also knew that new feelings were developing for Chat Noir. She never expected this, and the whole idea made her head spin. She closed her eyes and decided to see where the situation took her. She gasped as she felt Chat's hand form around her jaw and gently pull it forward. Her heart was pounding and her breathing was shaky. She thought that it would finally happen when he paused. She let out a shaky breath of anticipation, wondering what was going through his mind and what would happen next.

"Princess" He whispered. His words seemed to absorb into her skin.

Marinette paused for a second before whispering back, "Yes, Chat?"

"Can I kiss you, Princess?" He asked. He knew that she had eyes for him, but only as Adrien. In this moment, she was with Chat Noir. However, he also knew that she wasn't pushing away from him.

Marinette couldn't even form words, all she could do was nod. This moment was so much to process and she wasn't even fully sure what was happening. All she knew was that she was alone with Chat Noir and that he wanted to kiss her. Her head was whirling, heart pounding, and she had butterflies in her stomach.

Chat's state wasn't much different. His heart, his head, his stomach, they were all going crazy. He gently pulled Marinette's jaw the final distance. Their lips collided perfectly. He felt like he had waited years to do this, and it was amazing. He kissed her gently, enjoying the sweet taste of her lips. He tilted his head slightly, enjoying every bit of this. He slowly pulled away to check her reaction. He opened his eyes and watched for her reaction.

Marinette felt his lips pull away from hers. She felt herself try to follow them, unsuccessfully. She just stood there for a minute, gaining back her breath, keeping her eyes closed. She wanted to savor the kiss before she came back to reality. She eventually opened her eyes, only to meet his. She could tell that he wanted to be sure that she was okay with it. She smiled a smile of pure bliss, and he must have decided that was enough, because he kissed her again almost immediately, this time a little less gently. She felt his tongue press against her lips as she smiled against him. She was in paradise, a perfect paradise. She put her other hand against his chest as well and held herself as close to him as possible while she felt his hands pull her waist even closer. Their bodies were stuck together like glue and their slow, blissful breathing was synced. She wished she could stay there forever, but slowly, and certainly welcomed, the world around her began fading back.

She slowly pulled away, as much as she didn't want to. She felt his lips follow hers and she knew that he didn't want to let go either. Once her lips were hers, again, she took it a long breath and rested her forehead on his. They just stood like that for a few minutes, enjoying each other's presence, until Marinette broke the silence. "Chat?" She asked quietly.

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