Chapter 6 - Thunder

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Marinette took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell of the Agreste Manor. She had gotten there at exactly 9:00 am, which she knew would please Gabriel. The door swung open and Marinette saw Adrien at the door with a small smile on his face. She could see heartbreak in his eyes, but she also saw love. It was easy to see that he had hoped that she couldn't see through the smile, so she chose not to address it.

"H-H-Hey, Adrien," She stuttered, giving him a big grin.

He gave her a wave and she could see him take a small breath before replying, "Hey Mari. My father is waiting for you in his office. I think today he just wants to get to know your designing style and stuff, I'll be joining you guys, too." He put his hand on her back and led her inside and into his father's office.

Remember, you're Adrien now. Not Chat. She didn't leave you, she left him. You can build on your relationship with her now. You just have to be careful, he reminded himself. He glanced over at her and saw her marveling at how beautiful the house was as he led her through the foyer decorated in marble. To him, it always felt cold and lonely, but to anyone else, it would look quite beautiful.

He knocked on the door to his father's office and waited for his voice to echo from the other side of the door, "Come in."

The pair opened the door to meet Gabriel, who was standing behind a desk filled with sewing materials that Marinette could only dream about. She let out a long, delighted breath as she looked at everything before her.

"Ms. Marinette, how are you doing today?" He asked her patiently while beckoning her over to the desk. She quickly shuffled over to stand next to him and Adrien followed.

They spent the day sewing, talking about fashion, and Adrien talked about his photoshoots. When it began to get dark, Marinette had to go home.

"Adrien, why don't you walk Ms. Marinette home?" Gabriel suggested.

The two teens blushed, unknown to the other. Adrien nodded and led Marinette back out through the foyer and out the front door. He knew he had to keep himself from doing anything he'd regret, he had to take it slow with her. He decided to try to strike up a simple conversation.

"So, was it everything you thought it'd be?" He asked nervously. Luckily, she didn't notice his blushing.

"And more!" She said. "It was a dream come true to get to sew for Gabriel Agreste himself!" As she rambled on about how amazing it was and how happy she was that she won the contest, Adrien subtly reached over and grabbed her hand in his. She stopped talking for a second and looked down at their hands, which were now clasped together. They then looked up at each other and blushed.

Marinette felt her face grow hot as she intertwined her fingers with his. The silence was almost too much to bear, so she decided to strike up a conversation.

"Adrien?" She asked.

Adrien cleared the mind the best he could in order to hold up a conversation. "Yes, Mari?"

"Can I ask you a personal question?"


"This morning," She stopped walking and turned to him. "This morning, when I arrived, I noticed something..."

Adrien looked down at his feet, nervously. "What did you notice?"


She tried to look into his eyes, but he turned his head. All he could do was nod.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked kindly.

He shook his head slowly. Marinette understood and kept walking, giving his hand a small squeeze, which he returned.

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