Chapter 11 - Balcony Railings

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A/N: Yes, I've been adding various P!ATD songs to the media, get over it. This one is from Vices and Virtues. Recommend, 10/10. Also, you should go check out the story my friend miraculoussnowball  has written, Miraculously Together. Anyways, on to the chapter.


Marinette watched as a red, skin-tight suit formed comfortably around her body. Once she had completed her transformation into her alter-ego, Ladybug, she used her yo-yo to fly through the skies of Paris towards the Eiffel Tower to go help Chat Noir save her friends. 

She passed over the top of the park and saw that most of the citizens of Paris had either vanished or had been turned to various animals, mostly rabbits and frogs. Ladybug knew that she would have to hurry if she wanted to save Paris. She quickly zipped her way to the Eiffel Tower and saw Chat Noir lowering people down with his staff and urging them to safety.

"M'Lady! Glad to see you again!" He greeted as he helped a blonde-haired man down by using his staff as a fireman's pole. 

Marinette took a deep breath, knowing that he didn't know that it was Marinette under the mask, but she was still pretty nervous around him.

"H-Hey kitty. What's going on?" She asked, trying to act natural.

"Well this Magician guy is making people disappear and he took a few people hostage but I was able to outsmart him with the help of-" He paused and his face showed clear signs of panic and guilt. "Oh God! Marinette!" There was clear distress in his voice and Ladybug was able to pick up a tint of pain.

"Don't worry Chat," She put her hands on his shoulders. "I found her on a rooftop and I, uh, I helped her back home and told her to stay safe." She lied.

"Did... Did she say anything about me?" He questioned nervously as the last civilian slid down the pole and ran off to safety. 

"She uh, she didn't- look out!" Ladybug screamed as a green beam of light came flying towards them.


"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir called in unison as they watched a white butterfly fly away into the blue sky of Paris. A beeping sound rang in Ladybug's ears as her earrings alerted her that she had only a minute before she would transform back to her normal self. 

"Bug out!" She called as she began to rush off, but before she could, she felt a hand wrap itself around her wrist, holding her back.

"Chat, I need to-" She began.

"Meet me at the Louvre at midnight, tonight." He requested. She nodded in response and ran off. 

She jumped into her room through her trapdoor and detransformed in midair. Tikki came flying out of her earings and hovered next to Marinette. She looked down at herself and breathed in a sigh of relief to see that she was back in her normal clothes and not the uncomfortable ring master's outfit.

"What do you think Chat wants?" Tikki wondered aloud.

"I don't know. What if he knows I'm Marinette? What if he saw the interview? What if he wants to-"  Marinette's frantic worrying was cut short by a knock on her window. Tikki quickly hid inside one of Marinette's drawers Marinette stiffened. She knew who it was, but she didn't know why he was there.

"Come in, Chat. It's unlocked..." She called to the window behind her. She closed her eyes as she heard the window open, the footsteps inside her room, and the window close.

"Princess, I-"



"Don't 'Princess' me. Just because I helped you save everyone, doesn't mean we can go back to how things were." She clenched a fist in front of her and blinked back a small tear. She felt a soft hand on her shoulder and her entire body tingled from his touch. She missed his touch more than she could explain, and more than she wanted to admit to herself.

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