Chapter 13 - Apologies and Confessions

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A/N~ Before we get into this chapter, I just wanted to thank you guys so much! I am overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm that you guys have been showing and it's just amazing. This story wouldn't be the same without all of my amazing readers to cheer me on. 



Marinette screamed in horror at the sight before her. Tears began to fill her eyes and she ran towards the body. Laying in a pool of his own blood was Chat Noir. His usually glowing green eyes were dull and glossy. Marinette fell to her knees next to him and held his head on her lap.

"No, no, no! This is a dream or something. This can't be real!" She cried as she rubbed her thumb across his face.

"Chat, I'm so sorry. I love you, kitten. Please, please, you can't be dead. I love you, I love you, please..." She begged. However, he did not reply. Marinette longed for one of his terrible puns or hopeless romantic lines. She wished nothing more than for him to flash his charming smile at her. But he did not comply. 

"This can't be real..." Marinette cried. "This has to be a dream... It's an illusion... My kitten..." Marinette trailed off and dug her face into his still chest and wrapped her arms around his unmoving body. She didn't know how long she stayed in the cold of the night weeping. She didn't care. She didn't care that her clothes were stained with his blood. She didn't care about anything but the lifeless boy laying with her on the balcony. 


Chat Noir's eyes widened as he saw Reaper reach a bony finger out and strike Ladybug. Her eyes went black and she began muttering under her breath in fear and anguish. Chat Noir was alone in this fight now. He leaped to a nearby roof and pulled the noose off his belt and looked at it. There had to be something he could use this for. He stared at the reaper, who was now slowly reaching forward to retrieve Ladybug's earings. 

"No!" He yelled before realizing what he had to do. He repositioned the noose in his hand and held it firmly as he ran forwards. He extended his staff and pushed the villain away from his lady. While the Reaper stood a few feet away now, Chat flung the noose forward and successfully wrapped it around the akuma's scythe. He tightened the noose and pulled it towards him. The akuma began rushing towards him, but it was too late. Chat Noir snapped the scythe against his knee and a black butterfly flew out. Chat grabbed Ladybug's yo-yo and did his best to copy what she did when she captured the akuma. 

"Bye-Bye little butterfly," He said as he, surprisingly, released a white, purified butterfly. He smiled to himself with pride as he watched it fly away. He couldn't, however, enjoy his moment of victory for long because he became aware of his surroundings. He grabbed the noose and flung it into the air and it exploded into thousands of tiny ladybugs and pink sparkles, which swarmed around Paris. The Reaper disappeared in a cloud of black and Chat saw a young boy laying on the ground. Chat helped him up and instructed him to go home before he looked around for Ladybug. He saw her laying against a wall sobbing, but her eyes were back to their normal blue color.


Marinette suddenly felt the body in her arms begin to fade. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was no longer on her balcony, she was in an alleyway laying on the ground. She looked through her blurry eyes at her hands and saw red and black spots. Her eyes stung from the tears but she didn't care. She couldn't stop picturing Chat's dead body in her mind. She pushed herself towards a wall and pushed her knees to her chest and continued to mourn, even though she knew it wasn't real. She cried for about a minute before she felt strong arms wrap around her. She looked up as a perfect teardrop trickled down her face. 

"Chat!" She exclaimed before wrapping her arms around him, now on her knees. She took a deep breath, trying to stop herself from crying. She felt safe in his warm embrace. "I thought..." She whispered between breaths. "I thought I lost you." 

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