Chapter 4

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I woke up and saw lumine up and walking down the hallway...Maube I should ask him the question I've been dying to ask..."Lumine" I said walking torwards him he Turned around and I saw something red on his neck.."What's on your neck?" I asked him and his face went red he covered it."I-i...Burned my self!!" He said I stared at him and tilted my head."Uh...huh... anyway I have something important to ask you come to my room...i don't want anyone to hear.." I said walking to my room."O-okay..."I he said catching up with me.

We made it to my room and I closed the door."So have a seat..." I sat down and gestured him to and he did just that."S-so what did you want to talk about?" He looked staring at his feet....he's hiding something...."D-do you like kody?" I said looking at him
And he looked up at me and his face went red."W-well....ummm..." He played with his fingers and stayed quiet.

"So...thats a yes...Dont worry I won't tell him!W-well I also have a crush on him I like him beacuse....Hes actually sweet on the inside just...scared to show it...." I stared at my feet with tears falling down my face."I LOVE KODY ALOT HE'S MY WORLD I'D DO ANYTHING FOR HIM!!!....Id give up my life for him...Ive been betrayed a girl I liked but then...She cheated on me with a boy that was more tougher than me he looked scarier...Ive never met anyone that's
Made my heart feel so...Warm.." He looked at me and With a serious face.
"If you ever get with kody...promise
Me one thing that you'll take care of him!!" He pointed at me and his other hand was on his hip."Sure I'll promise you that!" He's caring for kody.Kody deserves someone like him but...I live him I can't let him win his heart!!' I said in my head."Now....Tell me where did you get the hickey?" I said smirking and crossing my arms.His face was a blushing mess."H-how did
Yo-" the door opened it was kody That opened it."Dad said to come down imediatly....." Kody said leaving.
"Okay...lets go..." I said and lumine nodded.

Time skip downsrairs~~~

"So kody...lumine...We have to talk...
Y/N please exit the room..." Aiden said and I went outside without no complaint.

Kody P.O.V

My dad looked pissed....More like serious not mad but...Not playful...
"So lumine....I found something on the internet....Were you being Sexually Harrased..." Dad said...Oh sh!t Lumines dead...."N-no sir...." Lumine said staring at his feet.No you idiot He has the DAMN video!!! I yelled in my head.
"Explain the video then...Lumine you can't hide stuff from me I have the Video now...Who was there with the green mint Boy....Dont lie please..." Dad seemed more concerned Than pissed now..."E-elijah sir.....He didn't hurt me though he actually helped me
He told his brother to stop...then left."
Lumine had tears forming then he looked at my dad."I swear I'm not lying!" Lumine said seriously.Wow....
"Thank you lumine now....kody...Wanna Explain this?" My dad showed a picture....and not a very pretty one....

and not a very pretty one

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"Ahhh....w-well it was a mistake I didn't mean to kiss him i meant to....grab something but he got in my way and someone pushed me then I accedently kissed...Him...." I said panicking with my face red.Damnt that only made things worse..... "Uh...huh...Anyway if y'all are seceretly dating I need y'all to end it immediately!!" He kinda shouted angrily....Is my dad against gayness....or....Is it to awkward...Anyway I don't like lumine right....Sure I kissed him and almost....ya know...Did it but I don't know my feeling yet I like Y/N she's beautiful,smart,sweet she's made me happy but...Lumines always been there for me he's saved me lots of times...Y/N saved me I could've died from Calla she looked like she had enough of me...And Lumine saved me from that crazy magic lady....Dad still hasn't found her cordinants.....Im worried she might show up and hurt...Y/N or lumine...

"...A-aiden we aren't seceretly dating I'm sorry if that picture startled you But it was photoshopped My friend has a wierd thing about shipping random people that are always together like me and kody she took a picture of us and photoshopped it....Im sorry I'll tell my friend to take it down..." Lumine is good at lying....He even said it without any hesitation..Wow....

So sorry for the short chapter but I'm coming out with another book called
Daniel x reader (Aphmau)
I love Daniel he's a wittle Cinnimon roll !!!!  Anyways bai guys!!

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