I'll never forget you, Avery.

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We get to the hospital, in what feels like takes hours. "Ok, hun, we're going to take you inside now and the doctors will take great care of you." She says with a reassuring hand on my inside shoulder. I take a quick look at her name tag wanted to remember her if I can see her once I get feeling a little better; Sarah Lynn.

Then as if they heard us, the back doors pop open and I get wheeled into the Emergency room. I close my eyes as they wheel my inside the commotion of all the people combined with the blight lights makes me feel overwhelmed and dizzy.

"14 year old, female with Cystic Fibrosis. has a left wrist fracture. Alert and oriented. Slight tachy with labored breathing." The paramedic say in a brief run down.

"Topher, get her checked in until Drew's back." A female voice instructs.

"You got it. Kenny." a male voice responds," we're going two." He says says as the rush me off down a hallway a little bit and into a room that kinda looks like an exam room but bigger. "Transfer on my count, one. two. three." They lift me off the stretcher and onto the bed.

"Alright Sunshine. You got it from here." Sarah says giving my right hand a gentle squeeze before leaving the room with the stretcher.

"Ok let's start with a gown and taking x-rays." The one in blue scrubs says just loud enough that I can hear him. He's average height with short hair and kind expressions. He takes a purple gown out of a drawer and holds it out to me. I take it and raise an eyebrow at them. "We'll step out for a minute and let you change." Then they turn and step outside the room.

I try and change quickly but only having one good hand is hard and not being about to tie it is also hard. I just hold the back together while I wait for them to come back. After a minute of me waiting they do and the doctor in blue quickly ties the three pairs of strings securing the gown.

They roll in a wheelchair,"ok, let's get you didn't to radio. And then we'll come back here."

The ride wasn't really long, but it feels like we just did a circle around the hospital. Inside the room, it's a large machine that has a camera on a head that hangs over your chest and takes the x-ray.

"Ok, Brianna now if you can lay up here on the table we'll take the chest x-ray and then we'll do your wrist." The one in blue instructs.

I get up and lay down, it's a hard, uncomfortable plastic table that I have to lay completely still on. Having CF and laying flat while trying to be still is hard especially when you have the erg to cough. But somehow I manage to breath through it until they say I can sit up. Then they have me rest my wrist on a smaller plate for an x-ray of it. They but a blue weighted vest on me to protect from the ultrasound waves. That doesn't take quite as long because I don't have to keep my whole body still just my forearm and hand. Then they wheel me back to the room.

I'm deep in though when the sound of the door opening makes me snap back to reality. It's the doctor from the helicopter; Dr Al-, alman?, no, Alex?, no. I give up trying to remember.

"Brianna, right?" He asks taking a pair of gloves out of the box and putting them on carefully. I nod kinda surprised he remembers. "You remember me?" He asks squinting his eyes slightly and smiling like this is now a quiz show. Yes, I remember you, I remember everything from after the accident until now, I just don't remember the accident or what led up to it.

"Dr Al- something." I say with a embarrassed smile which is followed by a coughing fit.

"Alister, very good." He says," we'll get this wrist in a proper temporary splint and then get you in for some airway clearance, how's that?" He has a calming, trustworthy energy about him that I enjoy being around. He rolling over a tray with all kinds of colored prices on it. "So first this piece of hard plastic is going to keep you're wrist from moving around too much and the tape keep it in place." He takes a pretty generic premolded piece out and compares it to my wrist and then works it and shortens it until it fits my arm. He then wraps it with a purple wrap. Then using lime green tape to secure it into place. "I know it's it the most comfortable thing but the splint will help your fracture heal."

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