Going home.

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A few days later I'm sitting waiting for Drew to come up to say goodnight and when I see him, he's not alone. He has Rick and Nina in tow. They all pretty much avoid making eye contact with me while they come in except for Rick who glances at me and then at the back of Drew's head. They all come in in a line and Drew and Rick sit on opposite sides of my bed facing me.

"What is it guys?" I ask confused and getting ansy.

"You're going to be ours!" Rick says taking Drew's hand.

His words slap me in the face because I wasn't expecting them. "What?" I say in disbelief.

"Justin had signed away his rights so we have a court date set up for next week to make it official. But you're already our daughter, you know that." Drew says.

I look to Nina to confirm and she nods with the biggest grin on her face I've ever seen. Tears of joy spring to my eyes. I lunge forwards and wrap me arms around Rick and Drew. They return the hug with the same amount of enthusiasm.

I sit back still wide eyed and astonished. "When can I go home?" I ask looking between all three of them.

"Uh you won't be ready tomorrow sooo-" Rick says obviously joking.

A excited squeal escapes my mouth. I can feel myself shaking from all the excitement coursing through me.

"So tomorrow is ok?" Drew says sarcastically with a toothy grin spreading across his face.

"Tomorrow, like home-home."

The following day couldn't come soon enough. I went to bed early trying to make the day come sooner. I woke up multiple times throughout the night, jumping to check the time hoping its late enough to get up and ready for the day. At 6:45, I finally give up, sitting up and going to change into clothes. I go and sit in the window watching as the sun rise. 

At 7:45 Drew joins me, pulling up a chair to the window next to me. "Good morning Sunshine." Drew says giving me a smile. 

"Drew, I'm ready to go home." I say. 

"Tonight, Rick gets off at 4 and then he's going to drive over here and pick us up." Drew says looking back out of the window. "Oh, and we have one final meeting with the transplant team, for a final check and to get your orders for prescriptions around 8."

A few minutes later a knock comes at the door, "come in." I call. A group of doctors come in and the discussion of pills and appointments and recovery begin. About an hour later the conversation comes to a close. Drew scribbles down some last few notes and thanks the team as they leave. He closed the door behind them and turns back towards me.

"Ready to take pills five times a day?" Drew asks. 

"Whatever it takes." I reply. "Plus as long as I can breath, I'll do whatever it takes."

"That's my girl." Drew says giving me a kiss on the forehead. 

The rest of the day goes by slower than molasses. Just as the sun starts to set Drew's phone rings which makes me jump. Drew looks down and then gives me a look of anticipation. He answers it and puts it on speaker, "Hey, how was work?" Drew asks. 

"Is our little girl ready to go home?" Rick asks, ignoring the question. 

"Ready to go home." I reply with an excited nod.

"Glad to hear it, I'm on my way up now and we can head home. I'll see you two in a minute."

"Ok, see you in a bit." I reply. 



Drew and I sit on the edge of the bed waiting for the Rick to appear around the corner. After a couple minutes of impatience Rick finally appears around the corner and I jump up off the bed to greet him. He comes in and I wrap my arms around him which he returns with the same amount of enthusiasm. "Looks like someone's more than happy to be going home." 

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