Eyeless Jack

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He's gay. You can't change my mind.


boys pretty,,,,,,

but i seriously hc him as asexual. i can NOT even seriously think about him being interested in sex. it's just not appealing

Knows like textbook definitions, and how to treat all these complex disorders, but 'the incident' with the cult happened before they could get to the practical part of everything, so he doesn't have the most experience.

Ann will sometimes let him take over the more minor wounds.

He took a semester of psychology in college, and took the class his junior and senior year of HS, so he's always the one who's assigned to try and diagnose mental disorders. He's fairly accurate.

He sniffs people to try and get to know them, which scARES THE FUCK OUT OF YOU

'Human food' doesn't make him sick, it just tastes wrong. He avoids it.

A little wary of witchcraft, but not afraid of it. He actually knows a lot about it.

Will voluntarily play with Sally, might even agree to dress up, as long as nothing happens to his mask.

WILL NOT eat in front of other people. At least, not unless he knows you're completely okay with it, AND he trusts you enough.

Second fluffiest hair

It honestly doesn't look fluffy, but once you bury your fingers in it, it's like gold dust floating between your fingers.

A mix between an extremely heavy and light sleeper. He could sleep through a tsunami but can hear Toby sneaking around downstairs late at night.

Will actually eat any part of the human body. Not just organs. Not just kidneys either.

*puts frosted flakes in the fridge* (if you know, you know)

He doesn't wash his own clothes because he is actually terrified by the sounds the washer makes. Toby will empty his laundry for him.

V sensitive to loud noises

Will visibly flinch if anyone says anthing like "Jesus Christ", "God dammit", anything that has to do with God or jesus.

Doesn't want to hurt people. He likes helping people, that's why he wanted to be a doctor.

Had braces for a longgggggggg time

He makes so many blind jokes/puns and no one knows if they should laugh or feel bad

If he's nervous, you can tell

he sweats like c r a z y

He has his ears pierced in a couple spots

Had a MASSIVE crush on his college roommate.

Seed's kind of his pet now, and he takes responsibility for whatever his pet does.

Really doesn't like storms. Not because of the noise, just the fact that flooding, lightning, tornadoes, and many more aspects of storms can easily kill anyone.

REALLY into Law and Order: SVU

Also soap operas

V good at drawing

But never shows his art to anyone

Has memorized where everything is in the mansion. Gets annoyed if anyone rearranges anything.


Rendered completely immobile anywhere with a loud noise

Always makes sure everyone's drinking enough water

Refuses help even when he obviously needs it to PROTECT HIS PRIDE

He has an iron grip, so if he has something of yours, it's his now. He ain't letting go.

Knows how to play the piano. Used to be super good at it, but he forgot almost everything after what happened. He's slowly re-learning his favorite songs.

He's so quiet that most people say things right in front of him. They've forgotten he's there, or they just don't care. Either way, he has some new blackmail.

Wears thick hoodies and fluffy socks because he's always cold.

He likes to sit outside at night, and just feel the breeze and listen to nature.

His room is the only way up to the attic. There's a ladder and a trapdoor.

He sneaks so many animals into the mansion. Jeff once woke up because he couldn't breathe and found a cat sleeping on his face. The door was locked. How the fuck did it get in??

Will just come home and drop like 10 cats on the ground and let em scatter

Jeff also went up to the attic to see if they had any spare books to throw at Toby, and came face to face with a full grown grizzly bear.

he almost got mauled

He's either really great at sneaking animals in without anyone hearing, or they see him and are just like "It's EJ, whatever."

They still have no clue how he got a huge bear up a ladder and through a small 2x2 trap door.

He's great at collecting blackmail, but that also means he knows everyone's triggers. He actively avoids them, and tries to get other people to avoid them.

Pets every cat he comes across.

Says 'um' a lot

Kind hearted

Collects different kinds of tea. He likes the smell

Can run for 20 minutes straight without slowing down or stopping!

Likes rick and morty

Has a small snowglobe collection

Likes the blue slurpees. Waits until it's melted to drink it

Uses the whole human. Nothing gets wasted

Has bone wind-chimes and keychains

"I'm a doctor and i'm hella depressed! If i cant solve it no one can!"

Loves affection but he doesnt know how to handle it so hes just kinda like "wh- what no stop"

Has a thing for accents. It helps him determine who's speaking

Secretly into musical theater. Hamilton is his favorite

Criticizes horror movies to cover up the fact that they terrify him

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