Nurse Ann

147 3 5

V protective mom

"She can't run off and get lost again if i kill her"

Easily annoyed

But tries her best



It depends on the moment

Loves cooking

But only does it when asked

Like she will light up like a Christmas tree if you ask

Her birthday's on Halloween

cuz she's spooky

Also she's 24 and 5'7"

pretty tall

Do not speak to her until she's had at least a gulp of coffee. She will literally rip your head off

Uses big words, but will use smaller ones without hesitation if asked

Talks to herself while patching you up. You always know exactly what's wrong with you, because she says it without thinking.

Doesn't lie very often. Is blunt, and straight to the point.

Hates Jeffrey so fucking much. Would kill him if she could.

Likes black licorice. That's all i have to say about that.

Uses emojis while texting

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