Homicidal Liu/Sully

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Liu's pretty chill, but Sully's an asshole.

He's really paranoid, and obviously has some trust issues.

Lives in the mansion with everyone else, right down the hall from Jeffrey. He didn't get to choose his room.

Has no less than 6 locks on his bedroom door, including one of those latches that keeps the door from opening full way. He also has a peephole. He just wants to know who's at the door.

Doesn't smile often, but when he does, it looks fake. He's just afraid that if he smiles too hard, the very much healed scars on his face will reopen. He knows it's not a thing that could happen considering they've been healed for years, but something keeps telling him that it's likely.

Gets kind of uncomfortable when people are nice to him. Especially when they compliment him, or show any romantic interest.

Probably one of the only people in the mansion who actively believes in god. He was raised that way, but he never really felt all that strongly about it until after Jeff attacked him.

Somehow his actual vision didn't get fucked up, but the color receptors in his eyes did. One of the people in the world with tritanopia color blindness. Aka blue-yellow color blindness.

^^^ because of that, his least favorite color is purple. It looks like a gross brown color to him

Sully doesn't really speak up as much as he used to, maybe it has to do with the fact that Liu doesn't really want to kill his brother anymore? Don't get me wrong, he hates his guts, but. . . yeah.

Hates coffee, it's just way too bitter no matter what he puts in it. And caffeine doesn't even keep him awake, so what's the point in drinking it?

Will sometimes lend people his scarves in the winter. He knows most of the other people don't own their own.

Really into the Percy Jackson series, but Harry Potter's a close favorite.

Really good at the games with quick-time events (is that what they're called?) Like where you have a very limited amount of time to choose what you're going to do, and games where you have to think ahead.

Wanted to be either a teacher or an astronaut when he grew up. He's still fascinated with the stars.

Wears so many damn layers, to hide his scars, AND because he's always cold.

In pretty constant pain because of all the permanent nerve damage Jeff caused him. Some places feel like he just touched a hot stove, others are completely numb. Lives off pain killers.

Hates the sound of joints cracking

RPG games are his life

Punches jeff every chance he gets. Will attack him in public

Can sing pretty well, but doesn't

Also has his ears pierced

Kinda hates Clockwork because she's a bit annoying, and the face that she purposely stitched her cheeks makes him think she's beyond just insane.

It was his childhood dream to own a pet parrot

who knows why

Basically a fish child tho

Always swimming

He ate fish food once

It was bad

Broke his arm from falling off his bike when he was seven

then broke his wrist in two different places when he was nine

Now he can't carry a ton of weight with that arm or it starts to hurt really bad

Has dyslexia. Still loves reading, it just takes him a while. He would listen to audio books, but he zones out too easily.

Hates himself. Will not accept a single compliment.

Gets motion sick pretty easily

early bloomer

5'5 at age 12 and then two years later he shot up to 6'0

He slouches though so he looks shorter than he actually is

LOVES raspberry everything

Literally never wears matching socks and it pisses Jeff off. He can't tell what colors they are.

He visits his parents graves every holiday, their birthday, and anniversary of their death. Sometimes he sees Jeff in the shadows.

Fixes other people's hair when they decide to cut it themselves

Idk why i headcanon him as aro/ace? He's just not interested in having any of that shit with another person

Keeps to himself, hes calmer when hes alone

Has commited arson. He lit a gas station on fire

Swears like a sailor

Lies a lot bc he likes drama

Had braces

Scared of most of the creeps. Sally scares the hell out of him

Sleeps in his closet. He has a bed set up on the floor. He just doesn't want to wake up the same way he did that night.

HATES the final destination movies. Watched them at a friend's house when he was eleven, for a sleepover. He saw up to the third one, and then started freaking the hell out. Had their mom call his mom to come get him. Those movies messed him up.

Used to play the violin

Sad boi

Had his appendix removed as a kid

Technically "died" in jeff's story, so i hc him as a ghost possessing his own stitched up corpse. Practically a zombie, but he's stopped rotting.

Did pretty good in school. He liked english and math.

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