Jane the Killer

140 3 12



Really good at singing, but only sings to Clockwork.

She wanted to be catwoman when she grew up. Learned how to run in heels. She can sprint up a hill, climb a brick wall, and escape from the police al in three inch heels.

Has no criminal record, since she only ever tries to kill Jeff. She's just a teenage girl who survived a tragic accident.

Was so close to killing Jeff, but he didn't fight back and just accepted his death, and she didn't want to give him what he wanted.

So she's given up on that

But they still fight all the time

Loves cherry slushies

5'4. smol gorl. She got a tol girlfriend though

Likes to grab Jeff and throw him into the deepest thing of water she can find because he can't swim

Really doesn't like dogs


Always tries to look nice

Will not leave her room until she looks pretty

Really hates airplanes

they're so cramped, and they could crash, and-

you get the point

TERRIFIED of heights

Drama kid in school (not like, she started drama or anything, i mean like a Theater kid)

She was the lead role in so many plays

But she was pretty mean to people in school

Not intentionally

Had 1 friend

Because it was the only person that could deal with her bitchiness

she loves dying the tips of her hair different colors

her favorite so far has been purple

Afraid of fire

Loves coffee sooooooooooo much

Her and mothman are bff's

Her hair will never grow back :(

Really loves bath bombs. She owns at least ten at any given time

Really likes the whole pastel goth aesthetic.

Has two closets, one for her clothes, one for her wigs.

Drinks hardcore alcoholic drinks. Fruity or girly drinks are too sweet for her


Very irrational. Throws shit at people at the drop of a hat

She thicc, and has a rockin bod (im sorry)

Has a slight lisp

Sleeps with a stuffed wolf

Has an irrational fear of escalators

Cant be locked in a room without getting flashbacks of when jeff locked her in her house and set it on fire. Will sleep in Clockwork's room with her

Loves reading, it gives her an escape

Biggest dick energy

Exercises for fun

Can play the flute!

Very elegant in everything she does, even walking and eating.

Loves black and white cartoons

Sleeps on her right side

Says 'ow' to everything, it doesnt matter if it hurt or not

Wears floral perfumes

Can always tell if you're lying

Good with kids

Would adopt a kid with Clockwork if they weren't both murderers

Snorts when she laughs

Could kick yer arse

Has pepper spray, a button alarm, and a taser on her at all times

Doesn't drink soda. The carbonation burns her mouth

A whole snack

Feels bad because she has no real plans for the future.

Has a pet tarantula!! Puts it in her mouth (tarantulas like dark, damp places, ad it doesn't hurt them) and then walks up to people, gets their attention, and then opens her mouth to reveal a big hairy spider.

Everyone but Hoodie and Ej scream.

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