
119 1 4

Bisexual queen

She's dating Jane, they're happy, they have their own place.

Her clock eye doesn't work. It's stuck at exactly 3:00 am. The devils hour

It itches behind the clock. She cannot reach it. It is slowly messing with her already fragile sanity.

The clock does not work. It just doesn't. So why can she still hear it ticking?

Has a soft spot for victims of sexual assault. Will treat them like they've known each other their entire lives

Pushes people away

Likes to draw, but doesn't do it much anymore.

Loves all forms of art. She REALLY likes digital stuff

Very loyal once you learn her trust

Changes her opinion based on what mood she's in. Is a lot more likely to say yes if she's in a good mood, and will shoot down everything when she's in a bad mood.

Kind of flat chested

Would probably dip dye her hair neon green

Doesn't understand how siblings can be close.

Has a metal baseball bat that she uses as her main weapon

Can play the drums pretty good

5'11. Very tol. An entire foot taller than Ben

so strong. will carry jane and the weight of their sins

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