letter number one

235 13 6

to you,

i'm sorry that i'm a sucky person some times. i'm sorry that i talk too loud and get too bossy and won't back down from a fight. i'm sorry that i'm not as good at some things as i'd like to be, as i want you to think i am. i am trying, you know. i'm not doing it for you, but i hope you can appreciate the things i'm trying to achieve.

thank you for asking me who i want to be. i don't exactly know the answer to that question, only that i want to be a girl my daddy would be proud of and i want you there by my side.

you're my best friend, goddamnit. you make me laugh. and cry. and you have the worst poker face that i just can't help making fun of it. i can read you so well and you know it. 

the reason we get along so well is that we're complete opposite personalities with similiar tastes in important things like superheroes, tv shows, music, and friends. you make up for the things i lack, and vice versa. we complement each other, just like the bacon and eggs you made for my breakfast yesterday. when i'm stubborn, you help me let it go. when you're angry, i help you calm down. when i'm laughing hard you join in and make me smile even more than i thought possible.

i'm a sap, i know, and you're not a romantic, but you've got enough heart in you to look at me with that self-satisifed grin and tell me that together, we could conquer nations (your words, not mine).

i've loved you for a long time, and i still do. i'm just not yet sure in which way. i'm scared but you're so you that it's hard to be frightened for long.

you make me want to be a better person and if nothing else happens between us, i will be thankful for that.



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