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"Toni likes red roses."

Cheryl giggled and nodded. "I know she does."

Midge, Cheryl and Veronica had left the motel thirty minutes ago, and were currently in a florist, looking at all the types of flowers.

"I might bring Betty home some daises," Veronica smiled, her cheeks tinting pink when she mentioned the girls name.

"You always talk about her," Midge sighed.

"And? I love her," Veronica snapped, looking away when Midge held up her hands in defence.

"Is this about you two fighting or me trying to impress Toni?" Cheryl asked, rolling her eyes as she picked out a bouquet of red roses.

"Sorry," Veronica and Midge both said in unison, the raven haired girl turning to Midge and smiling at her.

"You could impress her anyway just with the way you're dressed, you look stunning," Midge smiled, watching as Cheryl paid.

"Thank you," Cheryl smiled at her, picking up the flowers and opening the back door as the two followed her outside of the shop.


The redhead whipped her head around and laid her eyes on Toni who was stood beside Tristan. The older girl currently glaring at her.

Cheryl took this moment to take Toni all in, her pink highlighted hair flowing elegantly over her shoulder and the previously silver stud on the left side of her nose was now changed to a red one.

"I-oh. Toni."

Veronica opened her mouth but closed it again, looking at Midge and both mentally deciding to leave them to talk, so they entered the car.

"What are you doing here?" Toni questioned, her eyes switching between Cheryl and the roses she had in her hand.

"These are um, for you," Cheryl murmured shyly, holding out the bouquet for Toni to take. "I wanted to come talk to you."

"Haven't we talked enough?" Toni sighed, a small frown beginning to form on her features as she took the flowers off her.

"No, we argued. I-uh, Tristan," Cheryl paused, looking over Toni's shoulder to where her sister was stood. "Maybe I could talk to her privately?"

Tristan glared at her. "Five minutes." As she entered the redheads car.

"So now what?"

"I want to tell you that I do really like you," Cheryl confessed, looking down at her feet shyly. "And um, I want you to give me a chance to prove it."

"You wanted to prove it? Then why is Midge in your car?" Toni asked, glaring at Midge through the window then proceeded to look back at the girl.

"Oh, no. We did finish awhile ago but she wanted to come and help me get with you," Cheryl nodded.

"Get with me?" Toni asked, taking her bottom lip between her teeth.

Cheryl's cheeks turned red almost immediately as she frantically shook her head. "That's not what I m-meant, but if you- I don't know. L-let me take you on a date first."

Toni smiled and lifted the roses up to her nose to smell them. "Thank you for these."

"It's okay," Cheryl grinned.

"I finished with Melody too."

"You did?"

Toni nodded, "After we had that argument, I realised that it was shitty for me to be messing with her just as a way to get over you and um, get back at you."

"What are you trying to say, Toni?"

"That I like you too, and it was stupid for me to argue with you when I could've just ended things with Melody after you kissed me," Toni said, looking away as her own cheeks turned red.

"Bare with me, please. I haven't um- had these feelings before," Cheryl confirmed, taking a deep breath causing the other girl to giggle.

"I get it, and I don't like commitment."

"Oh-uh. Yeah."

"But for you I'm willing to try."

"Oh. Will you come back to Riverdale with me please? A blank page and we can start over," Cheryl asked, lifting her head to make eye contact with the serpent.

Toni nodded. "I left Veronica some voicemails, I ranted in some of them, about you."

Cheryl smirked. "I know, she showed me them."

"She did? Oh shit."

"Do you think-um, do you want me to take you on a date?" Cheryl asked, playing with her ring on her finger.

"I would like that a lot," Toni smiled, stepping closer to Cheryl.

Cheryl looked at Toni, smiles on each of their faces as Cheryl took her bottom lip between her teeth, inching closer to the other girl.

Toni's eyes drifted between her lips and eyes before closing her own.

"Five minutes is up!" Tristan said, getting out of the car and shutting the door, causing the two girls to jump away from each other shyly.

Toni looked Cheryl up and down with a knowing smirk before walking over to her sister and began whispering.

Cheryl jumped into her car and shut the door behind her, making Veronica and Midge squeal.

"You two almost fucking kissed, oh my god!" Veronica said, clapping her hands together as she prayed in Spanish.

"We wanted Tristan to stay in the car but when we tried to stop her she threatened us, ha!" Midge giggled happily, dancing along with Veronica.

"Ugh she's so understanding and cute-"

The three shut up when Toni entered the car and sat in the passenger seat, the roses in her hand.

"Are you okay?" Cheryl asked kindly, starting her car as she spoke.

Toni nodded and smiled due to Cheryl's concern. "Yeah, I am. Tristan doesn't want me to go back yet though," She shrugged, looking at Cheryl endearingly.

"Well do you want to go back?"

"For you? Of course."

A/N: I'm bored someone wife me up

-also I'm sorry for the slow update, the next chapter might come a bit slow too. Lately I've been a bit busy and I've had writers block, but I'll try get it to you ASAP. thank you.

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