𝖔. Shadows of Seduction

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PROLOGUE. jedi high council

     Obi-Wan Kenobi had a ridiculous obsession with love

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Obi-Wan Kenobi had a ridiculous obsession with love. It was an affliction he had carried since he was but a youngling, plucked from the arms of his parents and thrust into the austere embrace of the Jedi Order, an act that, though necessary, had left a void within him - a void that ached to be filled with the gentle touch of love. From that moment, he had been denied the warmth of affection, the tender touch of a loved one, and the intoxication of romance.

This singular desire, a yearning that had blossomed in the farthest corners of his heart, was a testament to the complexity of the Jedi's life. As he stood outside the High Council Chamber, a sense of longing enveloped him, born of a lifetime spent in isolation, cut off from the sweet embrace of love.

He yearned for love, not the fleeting kind of affection that passed between comrades and mentors but the all-consuming, passionate love he had only heard whispers of in ancient tales. It was a desire he dared not voice, not even to his fellow Jedi initiates, for love was a forbidden path, one that led to attachment and, as was claimed, to the dark side.

The Order's teachings on the matter were clear, so Obi-Wan had spent his days mastering the Force, honing his skills, and adhering to a life of discipline and restraint. He had never been one to question these teachings. He had always been a dutiful student, dedicated to the Jedi Code. Yet, in the quiet moments between missions and meditations, the emptiness of his existence gnawed at him.

Outside the council chambers, Obi-Wan's thoughts were consumed by this notion of love - its fleeting essence, its elusive beauty. He longed to experience it, even just once, to know the intoxication of affection and the ecstasy of a lover's gaze.

But as he stood there, lost in his musings, the heavy doors to the chambers swung open, and the resonant voice of Master Mace Windu cut through his reverie. "Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are summoned."

Startled from his daydreams, Obi-Wan entered, his heart quickening with anticipation. He knew that his summons was no ordinary matter. The council's austere presence cast a pall over the room, and the collective gaze of the Jedi Masters, as ever, bore into him with unnerving scrutiny.

In a chamber steeped in shadows and draped in whispers, the Jedi Council convened under the watchful gaze of the galaxy. It was a solemn gathering, a council of wisdom and authority, bathed in a dim, violet luminescence that danced off the walls like ethereal tendrils. Obi-Wan stood before them, his Jedi robe flowing like a river of midnight silk, his eyes betraying a sense of unease. The room was a hallowed sanctum within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, a place where destinies were woven and fates decided. The air held a tangible weight, as though the spirits of countless Jedi Masters lingered, their wisdom etched into the very stones.

Before the Jedi Council, seated in an arc of sombre grandeur, Master Yoda presided, his ancient eyes piercing through the ebb and flow of the Force. He spoke, his voice a haunting whisper in the cavernous chamber. "Troubled, young Kenobi, you appear."

Obi-Wan bowed his head in deference, his auburn hair cascading gracefully over his forehead, as he did so. "I heard that you called for me, Master."

"Obi-Wan Kenobi," Master Windu began, taking control, his voice a stern reminder of the gravity of the council's deliberations. "You have spent your life in devotion to the Jedi Order. Your dedication and mastery of the Force are commendable."

Obi-Wan nodded, a sense of solemnity descending upon him. He was well aware of the council's expectations.

Master Ki-Adi-Mundi spoke next, his words carrying the weight of years of wisdom. "After your defeat of Darth Maul, the council was very impressed, but we have decided there must be one final test to assess whether you are truly prepared to take on the duty of being a Jedi Knight."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened slightly, his curiosity piqued. A test? What form would it take?

Master Windu continued, his gaze unwavering. "You are to embark on a mission, one of great importance. A mission that will test your resolve and your adherence to the Jedi Code."

Obi-Wan inclined his head, his heart now a tempest of anticipation and uncertainty. "I am ready, Masters. Tell me what I must do."

"A disturbance in the Force, there is," Master Yoda explained, "A siren's call that leads men astray. Of Lyra Aliré, do I speak."

A hushed murmur rustled through the council chamber, like leaves trembling in a moonlit breeze.

"Lyra Aliré," Master Windu repeated, his brows furrowing into a frown. "She is a dancer of unparalleled grace, and a courtesan of extraordinary allure, whose beauty is matched only by her mastery of the dark side of the Force."

Silently, Obi-Wan nodded, his eyes alight with the seriousness of this revelation. His mind was a tapestry woven with the threads of intrigue.

"Lyra Aliré performs at the Crimson Moon, a nightclub on the pleasure planet of Zeltros. It is said that her patrons are not just captivated by her beauty, but ensnared by her power. She uses the dark side to seduce men, to bend their will to her desires."

"On Zeltros, it is," Master Yoda explained, his voice measured. "That face temptation of a different kind, you will, one that lures Jedi from the path of light. Assess this potential threat to the Jedi Order you must."

"You must find out if she is a true danger, or merely a misguided soul who has strayed too close to the abyss," Kit Fisto added. "In the best case, she is harmless, a mere fallen angel. In the worst, she may be working with Darth Sidious."

The mention of the Sith caused a cold, creeping petrification to seize hold of Obi-Wan. It was Darth Maul who had slain his master, Qui-Gon, the closest figure he had ever had to a father.

Lyra Aliré. The name was unfamiliar, but the council's words painted a vivid image of a temptress who wielded the Force as a weapon of seduction. Obi-Wan's heart quickened once more, this time with a sense of trepidation. The mission was not what he had anticipated, but it was a trial nonetheless - a test of his discipline and resilience.

Yoda's gaze grew even more intense, like a star burning fiercely in the depths of space. "A perilous task, this will be, young Kenobi. Confronted by her allure, even the most resolute Jedi may falter."

Obi-Wan bowed his head, his resolve unwavering. "I am prepared to face that danger, Master Yoda, to bring clarity to the council's concerns. I will journey to Zeltros, to the Crimson Moon, and assess the true extent of Lyra Aliré's influence."

Master Yoda nodded approvingly, a glimmer of hope in his ancient eyes. "Strong you are, Obi-Wan Kenobi. May the Force guide you."

The words hung in the air, like a benediction bestowed upon the young Jedi. Obi-Wan knew the perilous path that lay ahead, the seductive dance with darkness that awaited him on Zeltros. But he would not waver, for he was a Jedi, and his duty was clear.

With a final bow, Obi-Wan accepted the council's decision, his heart a tumultuous sea of emotions. The journey to Zeltros was not just a mission; it was a test of his strength, his discipline, and his unwavering commitment to the light. As he left the council chambers, his mind was no longer filled with thoughts of love. Instead, it was consumed by the shadows of a mission that would challenge not only his abilities but the very core of his Jedi principles. He knew that the path ahead would be treacherous, but he was determined to prove himself worthy of the rank of Jedi Knight and, in doing so, find a new form of love - love for the Jedi Order and the galaxy it sought to protect.

As he looked up towards the sky, beyond the confinement of Coruscant and into the realms of the universe where, somewhere, Zeltros lay, he could not help but wonder if he was about to step into a realm where seduction and shadows intertwined, where the beautiful and the dangerous merged into one irresistible enigma.

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