Chapter Two

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I watched The Serpent Prince look the diner up and down as if he was searching for someone until his eyes met mine. He was wearing his plain black leather jacket and his beanie on his head. His dark brown suspenders hanging by his legs. Archie didn't answer the question as he noticed I was no longer paying attention to him and concentrating on Jughead.

Jughead looked my direction for a good 10 seconds before he finally moved, however, he was moving towards Archie and I. My heart started to race as he got closer with every step. Archie turned to me and wondered, "Why is he coming towards us, we don't speak to him and there's no one else here?"

"I'm not sure, why don't we just wait and see what he wants first?", I replied to Archie as he ran his hand through his red hair, pushing it to the left.

Jughead finally reached our table and stopped before looking at Archie and then myself. I could feel my heart ready to jump out of my chest, if only I didn't know how dangerous Jughead was then maybe I would have been calmer.

"Hi, it's Elizabeth right? Elizabeth Cooper?", The Serpent Prince said whilst looking directly into my eyes. He put his hand on our table right next to mine.

"Ahhh, yeah it is. How would you know that?", I questioned as Archie sat awkwardly across from me.

Jughead looked at me with confusion as if he was wondering how I didn't know that he knew me, he paused before quickly adding, "May I have a word with you about something very important?"

I looked at Archie my heart still racing and Archie looks at me. It was like we had our own conversation within our heads saying that it was a bad idea but there was no harm in going. Archie then relaxed, "Yeah of course, we can finish our conversation later Betty, I've got to get ready for school tomorrow anyway. But have fun! Oh and call me when you get home okay?"

Archie then put on his coat and left the diner heading straight home. My heart was pounding even more knowing that Archie wouldn't be there for me if anything went horribly bad. I took a deep breathe in as Jughead sat down where Archie had before.

"How do you know who I am?", I asked with concern. I didn't want to know the answer, I never want to hear the answer when I don't know what it could possibly be. But this time was different, it was like I needed to know but I was just too scared.

Jughead took a deep breath before saying the longest explanation I've ever heard before, "Look, the only reason why I know you is because of your mother, Alice Cooper." I thought to myself okay that's not too bad I mean everyone would know who my mother is, after all she is the news paper author of the Riverdale Register. "She used to be The Serpent Queen with my father, FP Jones. And I need both of your help finding my parents. They were kidnapped a couple of days ago and The Serpents and I seem to think it could be another gang out there trying to hurt us. And I've come to you because if your mother saw me she would call the cops, but I'm desperate and I know she knows everything that happens in this town. Can you help me, Elizabeth Cooper?"

My brain was working overtime right now, I had so many questions. How did he know my mother was the former Serpent Queen? His dad is The Serpent King? Does that mean Jughead and I could be related? Oh my god, so many questions with such little time for an answer. But wait did he say his parents were kidnapped?

I looked him in the eyes and saw the anxiety all over his face, "Kidnapped? What do you mean your parents were kidnapped?", I asked with complete confusion in my voice. If they are The Serpent King and Queen wouldn't that mean they would be the hardest to go after since they are the leaders of The Serpents?

Jughead was getting frustrated and you could hear it in his voice as he snapped back at me, "Yes! Kidnapped! Now will you help me or not?" His eyes were staring at me and every single move I made.

I took a deep breathe and picked up my phone and dialled my mother, "Yes, of course I'll help you, Jughead.", I said with a smile across my face and his face lit up like a candle.

*A few minutes later*

"Betty, what's wrong? Is everything okay? Are you safe? Why didn't you come home with Archie tonight?", my mother shouted through the phone with anxiety.

"I'm okay mum I promise, nothing is wrong. I just need a favour from you, is that okay?", I said calmly through the phone before looking at Jughead to reassure him that everything would be okay. He smiled at me as I waited for my mother to answer.

"Okay thank god. Yes, Betty anything, what is it?", you could hear the confusion in her voice.

"I am currently sitting at Pops across from Jughead Jones and he needs our help mum. His parents have been kidnapped and you're the only one who could know where they are.", I heard a long pause from my mother.

"Did you just say what I think you said? Did you just say Jughead Jones?", her voice was calmer than I had expected considering she hasn't had any contact with The Serpents in 17 years.

I paused wondering if I had done the right thing by calling my mother and asking her for help. I knew my father was out of town on a business trip, so I could talk openly with my mother as only I knew she was the former Serpent Queen in the family.

I took another deep breath, "Yes mum, that's correct, I said Jughead Jones. Now are you going to help us or not?"

"Betty, you and Jughead need to head straight here right now and I will discuss everything with you both when you get here.", she hung up the phone and I smiled at Jughead and he smiled back at me.

"So, is she going to help me find my parents?", he questioned.

I smiled even bigger than I was before, "Yes she will, we will meet her at my house and she will discuss everything with us there."

"Okay then! Let's go!", Jughead replied rapidly as he stood up from the diner booth, "My motorbike is outside we can take that."

My eyes widened and my heart was beating faster than ever before I don't say a thing. I look at Jughead and he looks at me, as I follow him out of the diner booth.

My head feels light and hands are starting to go numb. My eyes roll to the back of my head, I start to fall sideways before Jughead notices. He lunching forward catching me just in time before my head hit the floor.
"I guess that's a no to the motorbike then.", as he laughs and holds my body waiting for Pop to bring over some water or something.

*Jughead and Betty walk to Betty's house*

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