Chapter Three

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*Jughead and Betty enter Betty's house*

"What took you guys so long?", Alice yelled from the kitchen as she puts her hands on her hips. Her face was filled with rage and her eyes were locked on Jughead.

I look at Jughead and then back at my mum, "We had to walk. Now are you going to help us or not?" I placed my handbag on the table by the front door and took jughead's leather jacket and placed it on the jacket hanger.

Alice was standing in the kitchen waiting for them both to join her. Alice asked Charles to take my younger sister, Polly, to Pickens Park to get them both out of the house so that she could speak to Jughead and I privately.

Jughead sat down next to me on the chairs of my kitchen island, he took his beanie off and placed it softly on the island bench. Alice looked jughead up and down for a split moment and remembered that he was FP's son and for a second her heart sank deep inside, knowing she never told FP her secret.

The Serpent Prince looked at me waiting for me to say something about my mother just standing there looking into the distance. I looked back at Jughead and then looked at my mother and questioned, "Are you okay, mum?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine Betty, now where do I need to start Jughead? What do you know so far?", Alice looked at Jughead waiting for him to fill her in about all he knows about what Alice's past life before I was involved.

"Umm, nothing Mrs Cooper, all I know is that you were the former Serpent Queen before with my dad and that you could be the only person who could help find my parents?", Jughead had a confused yet disgusted look on his face. His suspenders were hanging off the chair and looked just as sad as Jughead felt inside when he mentioned his parents. He looked at me not knowing whether I had known about that information or not.

I faced my mother and waited for her to answer, "Please mum, I know you don't talk to them anymore or even go near them but please, can you just help find his parents?" My face was full of dread and you could see how much this was affecting me.

Jughead grabbed my hand and looked me straight in the eyes, "Hey, it's okay, she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to, but thank you Betty for helping." He grabbed his beanie and went to leave the house.

"STOP! You need to hear this, Jughead!", my mother yelled again from the kitchen. Jughead turned around and looked at Alice, he paused and then sat back down before listening to my mum as she took a deep breath in. "Okay, it all began when I became the Serpent Queen with your father, Jughead. There were two original families who created The Southside Serpents, mine and FP's. The aim was that both families would have children and then they could take over The Serpents so that they would never die out and continue for as long as they could. When FP and I were about to become the new King and Queen of The Serpents we got into a bit of trouble with some high school gang group. Long story short, I got verbally abused and FP got beaten up, so our parents kind of got back at them and a few of them got hospitalised. Not long after FP and I officially became the King and Queen of The Serpents we became... you could say closer," at that moment Alice stopped and smiled, "Anyway, we kind of got even more involved than we thought we would, I was dating your father, Betty, at the time and things kind of got intense with your dad, Jughead. Please do not tell anyone this next bit of information, EVER! I fell pregnant, with Charles and he is not Hal's son, he is FP's son."

Jughead and I looked at each other and then back to my mother. Jughead was even more confused than I was, I mean I knew there was something off about my brother but I didn't think it was because he was only my half-brother. My mum was looking at the island bench before turning around and wiping her face with her sleeve.

My mother continued, "But that's not the biggest issue there, not only was I pregnant with Charles but also your sister."

"Wait, so somewhere our there, we have a long-lost sister?" I asked as my mother turned back around from the bench top.

My mother paused before answering the question, she looked as if she was thinking about something very important, more important than answering my question. "Wait are you sure both your parents were kidnapped and not just one of them?"

"I'm not sure, I'm pretty sure they were both kidnapped, I mean I wasn't there but I'm positive they were both kidnapped, why?", Jughead answered with a confused look on his face.

"Because, Jughead, I think your dad might not be kidnapped but actually behind bars," Alice said calmly before realising what this meant.

Jughead now not only had to find his mother but also had to fight for his father to get out of jail. I grabbed Jughead's hand in my mine and told him everything was going to be okay and that we would get them both back.

"Mrs Cooper, how can I go back to The Serpents and tell them this?", The Serpent Prince questioned my mother.

"I'm not sure, Jughead, I'm sorry, that's one area I cannot help you with.", my mother replied to him.

Jughead's whole world just exploded in that moment, his father might not have been kidnapped but worse behind bars, his mother still missing and possibly kidnapped and Jellybean, well she might just have to listen to Jughead after all.

P.S. Please give me any feed back you have for this story or any dm me any story lines you would like to see later on. Thanks guys xx

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