Chapter Five

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Jughead tightens his grip on his beanie before removing his hand from mine. I jump back in fear not knowing whether he was going to break something. He stood up taking quick breaths in and out. His lips sealed together tightly as if he was biting his lips together.

He was looking all around for anything that could help him, anything at all. Suddenly his face lit up with joy knowing he could at least save one of his parents.

"I can save my dad, I can save him and still find my mother. Jellybean can help me, everyone can help me," Jughead looked me in the eyes with a smile on his face with the joy of knowing his father could be saved before questioning, "Betty?, will you help get my dad out of jail while I search for my mother?"

"Yes, of course Jughead, you search for your mother and I'll deal with FP, mum can help me with his case," I looked at Alice hoping she would agree. She shook her head up and down to signal she would help with FP's jail case, "Jughead, I'll look after your father he is in safe hands. Go find your mother!"

Jughead smiled and gave me the biggest hug before putting on his beanie and running out my house.

*Jughead leaves Betty's house and goes in search of his mother*

Alice watches Jughead as he leaves and waits for him to be out of sight before she turns to me wondering, "Betty, how do you plan on getting FP out of jail if you don't even know why he's been locked up?"

"It's not really important, what's important is making sure he doesn't get charged for anything. We can visit him, get some serpents to give him a visit too, to talk to him get some answers and to see if he knows where his wife could be", I look Alice in the eyes and convince her everything will be alright.

I grab my handbag and my keys and head straight for the Sheriffs Office.

*Betty leaves her house and arrives at the Sheriffs Office*

Sheriff Keller is sitting at his desk completely paper work as I knock on his door. I open his door and notice a brown coffee stain on his uniform before asking if he knew anything about an arrest made in FP Jones.

He looks at me confused and dazed, "Wait FP was arrested?, when was he brought in?"

I'm even more shocked knowing that Sheriff Keller did not know about FP's arrest. I pull the chair out from his desk and take a seat.

"Apparently he was arrested something during the night last night, have you seen him or heard of his arrest before now?", I question Keller hoping he could give me some information about his arrest.

"God no, I didn't even know he had done anything illegal. Are you sure it was FP Jones who was arrested last night? I would have remembered if someone had arrested The Serpent King", his facial expression proved he had no knowledge of his arrest till now.

"Yes, Sheriff I'm sure, 100% positive it was FP."

Sheriff Keller stands from his desk chair, his face is filled with rage as he storms his way down to the jail cells. He opens the door to the cells and see 6 Serpents sitting in the cells, Keller is just as shocked as everyone else. He walks up to the cells and starts looking for FP Jones, he can see everyone's face but one person.

"FP?, Is that you?", I ask from just outside the door.

"Who wants to know?", he replied before turning around.

"Oh my god FP what happened to your face?", the concern was rising in my voice and I knew this was getting harder by the second to get him out without a big fight.

His face was full of blood, he had a cut on his cheek and a massive black eye. It was like he was beaten up as he was arrested.

"Your fellow offices, Keller. Now can you let me out of here!", FP demanded as he knew there was something wrong with The Serpents if I, Betty Cooper, was here getting him out of jail.

Keller was getting his keys trying to find the right one for the jail cell.

"Mr Jones, there's something you need to know if you don't already," I took a deep breath in before continuing, "Your wife, Mrs Jones, we believe she has been kidnapped but we're not sure who took her. Jughead is our looking for her right now and Jellybean is at home, The Serpents are keeping her safe. Me Jones if there's anything you know please we need to know."

FP looked up and said, "Betty, Alice will know who it is, we just gotta find out the gang name and then she will know."

Keller opens the jail cell door and lets FP out, "Did my officers arrest anyone else of your guys while arresting you FP?"

FP looked at all his fellow Serpents before returning his gaze back to Sheriff Keller, "Nah I heard these guys stories to why they're in here and should stay a bit longer till they've learnt their lessons. They have all agreed with me, isn't that right fellas?"

In complete unison all 5 other Serpents answered, "Yes, Serpent King."

FP smiles at Keller before grabbing my arm to leave to find my mother.

*FP and Betty leave the Sheriffs Office and head for Betty's house*

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