i know

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the conversation was normal, really. we just asked how the other one is doing and complimented whatever it was crossed our minds, from her new haircut, to my grades. 

gradually, the lies began to become more and more evident. on her part, at least.

i never had any problems with my feelings. if i was upset, everyone would notice i was upset.

with her, everyone thought she was a short-tempered nobody, not worthy enough to show any emotion, other than happiness.

i asked her how she really felt.

all she told me was that she was sad. no reason, no explanation.

a few weeks later, she messaged me, claiming how she "finally knew why" she was sad.

of course, i inquired about what she found out.

"we're all just tiny specks of dust in the world. we're irrelevant, and that makes me feel so miserable. it's true, isn't it? we don't matter."

i wanted to tell her how it wasn't true, how we all had a purpose, but the only words i could bring myself to type and send were, "i know."

and i've never regretted something so much in my whole life.

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