Eternal Love

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In the shrine it was never dark always sunny and bright. If it were night the darkness would never blanket the shrine unless you yourself looked out the window to see the night sky. For years you have now watched the stars from the window wondering what the time and date. Conner would come by every year still bringing in gifts. It amazed you and Kira on how much Conner has grown up to be a fine man. With his father's looks but much more muscular and bolder almost like a soldier.

Kira is the one who is more proud of his own son. Since he basically raised the boy by himself and expected a lot from his son since he had your personality and drive. It was difficult to raise him because of him having your personality but with patients he was able to at least show the boy some discipline. Kira entrusted Rohan to take care of Conner knowing that Rohan did love you so he would love Conner as if he were his own son, he wasn't wrong. Rohan came along with Conner only seven times to pay his respects.

A lot of faces would come to pay their respects. Diavolo would appear every now and then due to the fact he has been put into infinite loops of death by Girono. Diavolo in his spirit would come by to talk to you in secret away from Kira. When he entered the shrine and saw you and Kira in your spirits he thought for a second you two were haunting him. But when he asked you both were haunting him Kira caught on really quickly that Diavolo had died and his spirit can see you both when he is dead.

Since there are no stands when you're dead Diavolo fought Kira man to man. Kira kicked Diavolos ass and band him from ever entering the shrine in his spirit form.

But every once in a while he would wait outside the window to talk to you.

“I still think your beautiful in that wedding dress.” He says leaning against the wall and you look away from the stars to him. “And I'm thinking you are purposely accepting death to come and see me.” You chuckle jokingly.

Diavolo smiles looking down.

“Why do you not hate me, y/n?”

Sighing you sit on the frame of the window. “Diavolo, I hate you for destroying my wedding and for separating me from my son. Now, I don't hate you as much as my husband.”

Diavolo moves in closer lifting your hand up to see the ring on your finger.

“You're always happy. Always smiling even through the worst of times. I remember you always finding sarcasm in everything. I'm envious, I couldn't have you. I couldn't make you mine.”

His thumb strokes your knuckle softly kissing your hand and you pull away.

“Diavolo.” You raise your hand remembering the scars that he gave you from wiping. He watches the scars form on your arm.

“I know. I hurt you, but I thought it was the only way to keep you.”

He holds your arms tracing the scars.

“I never knew how to take care of what I loved and neither did you.” he says softly.

“As long as I remember what you did to me the scars will appear. But if I let go of it they disappear.” You smile and the scars fade away.

Diavolo growls a bit looking inside through your window. “Where is he?”

He asks you looking carefully in the room. “He's asleep.” You says looking into the empty room, Kira sleeps standing by leaning up against the wall in the ballroom where you both died.

“Does he really love you?”

Diavolo slides his fingers on your arm massaging it. “You’re asking if the man who chose to die by my side because of you, if he loves me?” You raise your eyebrow making him chuckle.

“Well I mean. We have been with each other for years in a shrine. We don't know the days, months, years, or hours.

When he promised to love me, he is keeping that promise.” You say actually amazed by that.

“Do you love him?” Diavolo asks looking into your eyes.

“Yes.” You say feeling a warm feeling, you do love Kira. It's a beautiful feeling that you have accepted.

“Maybe you two should thank me.” Diavolo says smiling widely and you shake your head sighing. “Dam, you narcissistic.” You say making you both chuckle.

Diavolo looks into the room he doesn't want the night visits to end so he's cautious on talking to you through the window. If Kira ever figures out that you both talk through the window Diavolo won't be able to see you again and he won't have anyone in this world to talk to again.

You both talk till the sunrise peaks out.

“I gotta go.” He lifts your chin kissing you softly and you slap him. He smiles licking his lips. “Can't do much to you and after everything I do deserve it.” He kisses you again quickly before running off. You shake your head wiping your lips spitting out.

“Morning?” Kira asks walking into the room looking out the window seeing the sun rising. “Yep.” You say smiling feeling him carry you away from the window onto his lap on the floor.

“How are you doing?” He strokes your cheek softly resting his forehead on yours looking at you with such admiration. “I don't regret my decision being by your side till death.” You wrap your arms around his neck snuggling close to him.

“Kira I love you.” You say and he smiles still not believing you but he knows you have no choice anymore.

He traces your lips with his thumb closing his eyes to kiss you.

You whimper melting in his kiss pulling him closer not wanting the kiss to end.

Kira smirks pulling away biting your neck making your cheeks flush feeling his fangs piercing your neck stimulating pleasure and pain. Digging your fingers into his hair he lifts your head to his neck. You've always refused to bite him. He bites harder onto your neck and you bite your lip hearing him growl. His fangs slide out of your neck his tongue slides on your wound till it heals.

His eyes glowing with lust seeing your flushed cheeks. He lets out a heavy breath seeing his forever bride in his arms. Untying the corset of your wedding dress slowly.

“Even now you are alright with making love to the same woman? Not like you don't have any choices, am I right?”

Kira shakes his head at your stupid comment. “My wife is my life.”

The wedding dress lossens enough for him to spread the back while kissing you using both of his hands to reach back and spread the dress apart without tearing it.

On Hold ;-; Kira x Reader x Diavolo Where stories live. Discover now