The center of both

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Once in bed Kira laid on his back waiting to feel you rest your head on his chest.

He waited and waited till he finally sat up seeing you hugging Diavolos head between your breasts and in the center there's a pillow. “Why is there a pillow in between us?” Kira asks grabbing the pillow and you reach back grabbing his wrist to the point of almost breaking it.

Is she pissed off at me? Why?

“Don't you dare touch that pillow.” You say looking over your shoulder with an intense stare. Letting go of his wrist you go back to snuggling up against Diavolo who for once Is actually sleeping peacefully feeling safe in your arms.  “Why are you-” You raise your hand up flicking Kira off.

Nani! She flicked me off! Why is she pissed off? What the hell am I supposed to snuggle?

He looks at the pillow in center. No way in hell will he hug a pillow!

Fuck that !

Kira shoves the pillow behind him wrapping his arms around you setting his chin on your head.

If she thinks I won't hug her while she's hugging Diavolo she's wrong! It's kind of funny once I think about it. She is the center of us both, Diavolo, Diavolo doesn't deserve her pitty. Not after what he did to her body. Not even when Hed PE created the body was he able to get rid of the scars. Could she be wanting to keep them?

Rolling his eyes down he watches you stroke Diavolos hair sliding your fingers into his hair pulling him closer.

You feel Kira's growl above your head and you ignore it. “It isn't fair, the way you treat him.” You says softly not to wake up Diavolo.

“I don't give a rats ass. You're mine and if he thinks he can just manipulate you because that's what he me doing. He's stupid and wrong if he thinks he can just openly become your husband. I am your husband and your first lover and I should be your last. But once again you played me. Once again I let you do what you want. All because I want you pleased. Perhaps I am the stupid one for having you play me. But remember I would never do this to you.”

He takes hold of your hand raising it up sliding his hand down on your arm feeling the bumps of your scars.

“So what. Shit happens in life we just have to get through it. Life can be one living hell but only those who get high off of their own pitty choose to remain in their depression.

That doesn't stop me from enjoying life because life owes me. Life owes me the family I could never have. But yet if I didn't lose my family I wouldn't have met you. If I wouldn't have met Diavolo you would have never had me as your wife. We need to look at the positive things. Life will attack us during our most happiest times. We must understand that things happen for reasons. We can do terrible things in life but out of those terrible things, great things are made.”

Sliding your hand back into Diavolos hair he is awake listening but he keeps his eyes closed.

“Now shut up Kira.” You scootch your butt out a bit so he can spoon you and he growls getting a boner. “What are you doing?” He whispers in a velvet voice stroking your hair behind your ear nibbling your neck. “We can do it silently. Well I can be silent but I don't know how quiet you will be”

You sighs smacking his cheek. “Knock it off. I'm letting you spoon me dumbass. I'm not messaging you to stick the key in the door knob.”

Diavolos eyes are wide opened his face redder than his own hair listening to this. He feels like a kid sleeping with Mom and Dad. But, this is an excellent opportunity to play as a boy. Whimpering he wraps his bottom arm around your waist and the other around your butt pulling you in closer to him. Snuggling his face between your soft breasts knowing this will piss Kira off.

“Shee it's okay.” You whisper holding his head close and you glare at Kira whose sitting up straight with a dark shadow on his face going through an internal crisis right now. “Hugging your ass and snuggling between your breasts the fuck is this?”

Diavolos going to get it when he least expects it. Growling Kira forces his arms around your breasts shoving Diavolos face off. “Kira!” You yell but he closed his arms around your breasts completely so Diavolo won't be in between. “He ain't taking everything!”

Diavolo raises his head up staring at Kira who's looking over your shoulder. Kira bites your shoulder gently.
“Mine!” He says growling at Diavolo.

Diavolo pulls your lower half closer till your legs are tucked in between his. Smirking Diavolo shrugs resting his head on the pillow gazing into your eyes. Kira leans in growling showing Diavolo his fangs and you get irritated by the both of them. Education time by  slap Kira's face and Diavolos face. “Both of you are just going to have to learn how to share ! If not we will all be sleeping in separate beds!”

Kira and Diavolo both whimper like dogs and Kira slides his arm out from under you and lets you rest your head down on it while his other arm wraps around your arm and he rests his chin on your head. Diavolo shrinks back to rest between your breasts releasing your legs from between his. Sliding out your leg you slide it between Kira's and leave the other between Diavolos.

Finally your boys fall asleep and so do you.

It's hard having two husband's but hopefully with time they both will be good boys if not theirs different ways. Leashes, spray bottles, newspapers, timeouts. Yep different ways to get them straigh

On Hold ;-; Kira x Reader x Diavolo Where stories live. Discover now