Strawberry and Peach

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The sun goes down and you stay at the window as Kira leaves to the other room to lean up against the wall and sleep.

Diavolo walks up at your window leaning his back against the wall.

“Have you told him yet?” He asks sighing.

“No. Just as long you don't mention it.”

Diavolo smiles reach out to you holding a purple rose. “They are your favorite.”

You smile taking the flower smelling it.

“Diavolo… please leave Conner alone.”

“Tch. Look, the boy isn't my son I understand. But he is yours and well.”

He rubs his neck. “I don't know how you would feel knowing I let your son be imprisoned or killed. That stand of his has a lot of potential. It's almost like Giornos stand. But, I do believe that boys will can bring back the dead.”

You roll your eyes. “You put that in his head didn't you?”

“Do you think I enjoy the thought of you being dead? Do you think I enjoy remembering how you purposely allowed yourself to get killed by me?”

Diavolo looks at his hands shaking in rage. “You could have manipulated my stand you could have seen the move yet you allowed it. Why?”

You sigh looking up at the stars smiling.

“My ego.” Chuckling you look at him.

“Thought I was like legit immortal. I was very, very wrong. When you punched a hole in my chest that's when I realized, I fucked up.” You and him softly chuckle at your logic. “So you're telling me that you thought you could not die?”


“That's just being stupid.” He says taking out a pack of cigarettes for you.

“I overheard Conner talking about you smoking while he was leaving. So I thought I'd get you some.”

You smile widely taking the packs and shoving it into your breasts looking around. “Thank you.” You say in a whisper.

Diavolo looks into the room leaning in a bit before he takes you in his arms carrying you. “What are you doing?” You ask him and he looks back inside the room before turning away with you in his arms. “Going to take you away so you can smoke.” You look back at the shrine as Diavolo carries you away. “How far away can I take you from the shrine?” He asks looking back down at you in his arms.

“We are close to a beach. Kira tried to see if he could climb down the small hill and head toward the beach but he was only capable of standing on the hill. It's right in front of us.” You say pointing ahead and Diavolo shakes his head seeing the edge of the hill standing on the edge looking at the ocean. “It's nice.” You say taken away by its beauty. Diavolo sets you down sitting beside you as you light up a cigarette.

“Thank you.” You say smiling and he shakes his head in a yes. Smoking with one hand and having the other next to you Diavolo rests his hand on yours as you both talk watching the waves. Every once in a while he would look back hoping Kira won't see you both enjoying the view.

“Pineapples are strange.” You say randomly.

“I can compare myself to a pineapple.”
He says looking at your smiling face.

“Seriously. They are all weird and uncomfortable but in the inside they can be sweet.”

“But you remind me of a strawberry.” You tease him because of his hair.

“I can compare you to a peach.”

You gasp looking at him shocked.

“How dare you call me a peach you strawberry.”

“Hay I did not call you a peach. I said I can compare you to a peach.”

He pulls your ear.

“Ow stop!” You grab his nose pulling it.

“Let go of my nose!” He says pulling on your ear harder.

“Let go of my ear!”  You pinch his nose harder.

“Not until you let go of my nose!”

“Lady's first so let go of my ear!”

“I am being polite! I'm letting the lady let go of my nose before I let go of her ear!”

“Jerk!” You call him.

“Smartass!” He yells back at you and you reach up grabbing his other ear.

He growls grabbing your hair pulling it back exposing your neck he bites down.

“Ow!” You gasp letting him go and he crawls on top of you growling still biting your neck. “Knock it off!”

You raise your knee racking him and he lets go to hold his loins. “un… unnecessary..and..” his voice is very squeaky “ very.. unfucking.. fair…”

You laugh rubbing your neck till the marks heal. “Why? Did you have a boner and I killed it?”

With a small grown he responds. “..yes.. and next time… I will biting something more sensitive rather than your neck…” he looks up seeing you cover your breasts.

“You wouldn't dare Diavolo! These belong to my husband not you!”

He smirks a bit slowly straightening back up. “Affairs, can be made.”

“Ya and my husband will break you.” You sigh looking back at the ocean and Diavolo sits back to your side reaching his arm over your shoulder so you can lean your head on him. He rubs your shoulder comforting you. “I miss these parts. Where we weren't trying to kill each other and we could be like this. We would have been an amazing couple. Not perfect but alright.”



“Shut the fuck up strawberry boy.”

“What did you just call me you peach!” He yells out and you both start arguing again.

Carrying you back he sets you back on the window frame. Looking into your eyes he leans in slowly softly kissing you savoring your sweet lips. Taking a deep breath before kissing you again. “I'll see you soon, hopefully.”

You shake your head in a yes holding his hand. Stepping away he looks at you before letting your hand go and he runs off as the sun rises. “Strawberry man.”

You chuckle a bit on the creative insulating nicknames y'all have eachother.

On Hold ;-; Kira x Reader x Diavolo Where stories live. Discover now