Dear roommate 05 welcome back

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Meryl sat a little worried at the table biting on her thumbnail. She kept looking down at some random magazine. He didn't even pay attention to the door that went open. Don walk in with kurks and a broken leg with Henry.

"Meryl." Third tried to get her attention giving a big smile.

"How is he?" She asked looking up slowly with tears in her eyes. She immediately jump out of her seat looking at Don in horror. "Welcome back."

"Thank you." He smiled at her.

"You want something to drink?" She asked going up to the two men. Wanting to crymof excitement. "I'll make anything."

"No, you calm down sister. I'll put his luggage in his room." Third said rubbing my back. She place my hands infront of her eyes starting to cry out of the blue. Third gave a simple chuckle pulling her into his giving Don a sweet smile that also gave him a smile before looking back at Meryl.

"I'm sorry." She apologised pulling away drying up her tears.

"Don't apologise." Don smiled nicely at her touching his arm which immediately got her attention. She look at his hand touching her arm.

"I'm glad you're back." She smiled at him walking away from him into the livingroom. "Have you got my last letter?"

"I did. Sorry I didn't write back." He replied taking a seat on the nearest couch.

"No, don't apologise. You're back, that's what matters." She smiled taking a seat. With a smile on his lips he look over her legs that showed so beautiful put under her white dress that has flower on. "So, are you staying now forever?"

"Yes. And so are you." He smiled getting her full attention. They both look at Third that carried his luggage in.

"I'll help." Meryl jump up and run after Third helping him with the bags. Don sat back resting his head looking up at the ceiling. He look back at her that came walking in with Third.

"Okay, I'll leave you two to it. Have a nice evening." Third replied.

"I'll walk you out." Meryl smiled walking him out. After saying him goodbye she came back into the house getting Don's attention. "Can I bring you anything to eat or drink?"

"No, come sit down." He smiled at her. She nod and took a seat next to him that turn to her. "Third probably told you that I want to spend some time with you, right? I also mentioned that in our letters."

"How could I forget?" She smiled also turning her whole body to him. "Is something the matter? Don?"

"No, everything is alright." He smiled nicely to her. "I...I missed you."

"I missed you too." She smiled to him looking down with a blush.

"How are you?" He asked getting her attention. "Like, how are you really? And don't lie to me Meryl. Everybody has pain. You don't have to tell me that you're fine when you know you're not."

"Well, I'm still recovering. Lately, everything's been such a mess. John's death, Dustin and then this accident. I thought something worst happened to you." She look down starting to cry. "I couldn't imagine loosing another person."

"You didn't loose me." He touch her arm getting her attention. She nod her head up and down putting her arms around his neck giving him a hug. He hold her around her smalll middle pulling her unto his lap. Being in each other's arms is how it should've been the first day.

"I'll sleep on the couch." Meryl said walking into the livingroom drying up her hair with a towel after she got into a warm shower.

"There's no way you're going to do that." Don said busy working on something in a book.

"Well, I can't let you." Meryl said and lookmover his shoulder at some plans. "What's that Mr. Gummer?"

"Your room." He replied and stood up putting the book down. "I know you must be confused but I'm building you a room in this house because you aren't going anywhere unless it's with me."

"What?" She laughed giving him an odd look.

"I'm not going to keep you hostage, I promise. I just...I love the idea that you're staying with me. I'm building you a room so that you won't have to move away. If you don't want to stay, it's alright. But just...get on your feet first." Don said looking down sadly. As soon as she noticed it she took a step closer giving him a sweet smile.

"Thank you Don." She smiled touching his arm. He look at her giving a smile. "Can I help by...any chance?"

"Well, you can sleep in my room tonight and help me set my bed here. When we're done with your room, we'll see what to do next." Don smiled touching her elbow. "Have you always been made out of bones."

"Yeah." She laughed looking down then back at him. "Not really. See, as a young girl I was actually not so skinny. When the thought of high school actually kicked in, I decided to drop the glasses since I no longer had to wear braces and loose weight. With that...I was a popular girl at school until I've decided that I've had enough. Weirdest of all is that my friends accepted me more than ever before. So, that's my story."

"That's nice. I care about you, your size and looks, okay? But not in a way that you'll end up being what I want you to be. Who you are is the same person you were yesterday, the same person you will be today and the same person you are now. If I didn't care about any of those things, I would've...for instance, abused you or those things. I care about those because if any person on this earth was about to distroy that, I would want to be the one stopping that from happening." Don said serious to her. Don is straightforward from the beginning and honest. Something not everyman is. "Just be yourself. Don't change please. I don't want to fall for someone that's pretending."

"You're...falling for me?" Meryl asked looking curiously at him.

"Is that wrong?" Don asked giving her a little smile.

"Of course not. I just...I didn't think a guy like you would fall for a girl like me." She said walking away from towards the kitchen.

"Why not?" Don asked with a chuckle following her.

"You're different, nice." She replied without knowing he's following her she whispered, "...and handsome."

"Handsome?" He laughed. She gave a scare looking at him turning bright red. "So that's how honest you are."

With her face lowered she walk further with a mischievous smile.

"Okay, I guess I can be honest too now." Don laughed following her till she came in the kitchen and put on the kettle. "I am different yes, nice sometimes and kind of handsome since you've mentioned but you miss. Streep is smart, talented, unique and very beautiful. Want me to repeat that?"

"Do you want coffee or tea?" She asked with a smile changing the topic immediately.

"What do you like?" He asked leaning back against the table looking madly in love at her.

"Coffee." She smiled at him.

"Then I'd go with that."

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