Part 7

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I had to write a pride au. I couldn't resist. Sorry it's not great but I've only had three hours of sleep (but like, have you seen the new Steven Universe episodes?!) Hope you enjoy it though! Happy Pride xox

I stared out of my window at Patton, a slight smile pricking at the side of my mouth.
He had a rainbow flag draped around his shoulders, he was covered head to foot in glitter and he was painting a rainbow flag on Logan, who was protesting feebly, an uncharacteristic grin on his face.
Then he dragged Logan out into the street, joining the crowd of rainbow clad people who were singing and shouting and waving flags like their lives depended on it.
It was a weird feeling. Bittersweet, almost.
I turned away, and was about to put my earbuds back in, when there was a timid knock at the door.
I sighed, but rolled out of bed to open it.
I started to open my mouth, and was promptly enveloped in what could only be described as an ocean of rainbow.
"Come on, my little rainbow!" cried Roman, throwing fistfuls of glitter at me. "Come and be proud with me!"
"Roman, I-I don't-I'm not-" I protested, a pinkish hue dusting my cheeks. "We don't date!"
"Says who?" cried Roman happily, and I swear I felt my heart swell to twice its size.
"Are you-asking me to date you?" I asked, slightly dazed and very confused.
"Yes!" said Roman, slightly impatiently. "Come on!" He thrust a rainbow flag into my hand, and dragged me downstairs.
"Patton! I got him!" he yelled, as we ran outside into the parade.
Patton appeared, bringing with him a blushing Logan, who was sporting a rainbow necktie and a mile wide grin. "You two are-" Patton said breathlessly, looking from me to Roman excitedly. I nodded, and I felt myself turn scarlet. Patton squealed and kissed Logan triumphantly. "You owe me five dollars!"
"Congratulations," smiled Logan, adjusting his glasses.
Roman looked at me slightly shyly, and produced a pair of rainbow cat ears.
"They reminded me of you."
I smirked, and put them on, watching his face light up. "A purrfect fit!" exclaimed Patton, earning an irritated but fond sigh from Logan.
Roman dragged me further into the crowd. "This your first pride?" he asked quietly.
I nodded. "First," I said softly. "And probably best."
Roman leaned in towards me. "Can I kiss you?"
I nodded, and he pressed his lips to mine, and I saw fireworks go off behind us, I didn't want to be anywhere but here, with the rainbows and the cat ears and the pride and happiness, the feeling of belonging, the feeling of Romans lips on mine, of his hands holding mine, with Patton's proud smile and Logan's gentle smirk and butterflies in my stomach and stars in his eyes.
When we drew back for breath, there were cheers and wolf whistles. I grinned, knowing I was probably a shade of crimson, but I didn't care, it didn't matter, nothing mattered but Roman and I and this moment forever.
Roman lifted me onto his shoulders and I yelped, clinging onto his hair.
Someone just ahead of us was pinning a sign from the balcony of her apartment.
"15 years of pride!" it read, with a photo of two young women, one in a beautiful white gown and the other in a pristine white suit, a rainbow rose pinned on the pocket.
So that's what it was, the happy, fluttery feeling in my stomach.
For myself, for Roman, for Patton and Logan, for the girls on the balcony, for everyone here, for all the people coming out now, and for all the closeted people out there.
"I'm proud." I thought, with a smile.
"I'm proud." I said quietly.
"I'm proud!" I yelled for the world to hear. "I'm proud to be me!"

Dk what that ending was but \_('-')_/
Sorry it's short.
Happy Pride xox

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