3 Months with the Prince Chapter 3 Graduation

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Alexis's POV:

Today is May 27, the day of my graduation. I was wishing something might go wrong with the flight to Papacrystal. I was going tomorrow and i was already done packing.

You'd be surprised who payed for the ticket. My dad, the guy who used to abuse my mom. That was before he divorced her for a younger woman.

Can you believe that man had the nerve to get me first class tickets to Papacrystal after what 5 years?

Looking into the mirror with my graduation dress on, i was kind of sad to leave home for 3 months. Grant and Drew were kind of sad but they kept telling me to give their phone numbers to any hot girls.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I sat down on my bed quickly and said, "come in."

My mom opened the door and said, "oh honey you look beautiful."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah whatever."

She walked over to my bed and sat down next to me. She put her arms around me and said, "i'm gonna miss you."

I pushed her away and stood up with the help of my crutches. My leg was getting better and i was getting it off tomorrow right before i get on the plane, "well if you're gonna miss me that much why don't you just send me to jail? That way you can visit me."

She sighed, "i did what i had to do. I know you were the tough one after your father left but i know you can't defend yourself in jail."

"And why did you even let Dad pay for that stupid ticket?" I said.

"Well there was no way i was going to afford to pay for a ticket." she explained.

She stood up, "when you're done p here come downstairs. Samantha is here to drive you to the school. Don't worry i'll be there later."

She walked out and closed the door behind her. Great now i'm going to have to go with annoying Samantha.

I walked downstairs with my crutches. Samantha was sitting on the couch but i barely recognized her because of the makeup.

She stood up, "are you ready Alexis?"

"Yeah let's go," i said in my unhappy mood.

She pretended to be sad, "what's wrong Alexis? You don't look too happy?"

"I'm fine lets just go."

When we got there, it was crowded. I tried to move around but it was like i was paralyzed instead of just injured.

When i spoted Grant and Drew, i walked up to them. It took me a while but i finally got there. They smiled when they saw me.

Grant said, "hey dude heard you got in trouble."

"Yeah and you getting shipped somewhere." Drew added.

I smiled, "yeah this time i won't be doing community services."

I was shocked whe nthey both hugged me.

I looked at them questioningly, "what was that for?"

"Well we're going to miss you," Drew started.

"Yeah and we were wanting you to play your electric guitar for our band." Grant finished.

Before i could say anything, the principal, Mr. Davis, stepped up to the podium and said, "everyone please get into your spots."

I walked up to the stage for i was the valedictorian. Mr. Davis looked at me, "Are you ready for your speech?"

I nodded, "yeah."

He looked at me suspiciously and i looked innocently. When his back was to me, i couldn't help but smile an evil smile.

I wasn't about to go away without one last memory and one last laugh.

After Mr. Davis's long and boring speech was over, i gave my valedictorian speech. I talked about goodbyes and blah blah blah. Thank God my brother wrote it for me.

When i was done, i was the first to get my case that would hold my diploma. We don't get our diplomas until next month.

At first i looked around to see if anyone was looking at me. My mom was talking to the lady beside her and my brother was on the phone.

I slipped out of the gym. I gave a thumbs up to the janitor and he started the plan. I had a super idea about how my graduation was going to end.

Well i knew there were a lot of windows in the gym. I also knew there were lots of hoses in the school because of the 3 huge gardens. So i decided to put those two together to create the perfect prank.

The hoses were pretty pwerful because the gradens were very very big. I watched from outside. The hoses started spraying everyone and i could hear screams and tears.

I don't know why girls exaggerate so much. But i was cracking up so hard my stomache actually hurt. The whole gym was filling up with water and everyone was running to the exits.

Unfortunately the gym doors couldn't fit everyone so people were pushing each other out. I finally stopped laughing and walked up to the people already outside.

I began laughing again when i saw all those girls with their makeup all over their faces. Then Ben went up to me with his suit all wet.

"You couldn't even stay away for one day?" He asked angrily.

i said innocently, "i only wanted one last memory before i went to Paracrystal."

"Well couldn't you have given me a heads up?" He sighs and walks away trying to dry it off.

Then Grant and Drew walked up to me laughing their heads off. Drew said through his laugher, "that was an awesome prank Alex."

Grant nodded, "yeah i loved it."

Man i wished i wasn't going to Papacrystal, then i could do some more pranks.

When my mom came up to me, Grant and Drew ran off. She crossed her arms and said, "what was that for?"

"You have to admit that was a little funny Mom," i said looking at her face full of makeup all over it.

My mom was super mad now, "that's it you're grounded til the day you leave for papacrystal."

"Well that's tomorrow so it's useless trying to punish me." I grinned.

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