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Ever since the ozone disaster of 1985, global climate change had threatened Earth and all of its inhabitants. Since then, the problem had gotten worse and worse. With no clear solution in sight, the Paris Climate Accord was drafted on December 12th of 2015 and was ratified by nearly the entire world on April 22nd, 2016.

Barely a year later, in June of 2017, President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America pulled the US out of the climate accord and left the entire world stunned. They couldn't believe that America had pulled out of an agreement barely a year after signing it - they'd broken their oath to help save the planet. Earth rushed to create a new agreement as soon as Donald Trump was out of office, but they were too late - the damage had been done. During the time that the USA had refused to acknowledge the accord, global conditions had gotten worse. A geothermal explosion off the coast of Australia created a 10.0 magnitude earthquake on May 8th, 2034. Sure enough, three hours hence, a tsunami made landfall. Australia was consumed by the relentless blue maw of the largest tidal wave Earth had ever seen.

The world was rocked to its core - they couldn't believe the devastation that Australia had experienced. Several search and rescue missions were dispatched to Australia on May 14th, and when they returned, they brought back a horrific report: Australia's entire western side had been demolished, leaving only a few hundred thousand survivors.

And so, the UN spent the next year debating what to do until finally, on July 26th, 2035, they officially passed the North Star act: a set of regulations that cut off all non-renewable energy and essentially forced the planet into compliance with the (slightly edited) terms of the Paris Climate Accord.

At first, the North Star act went well. Everything began to look brighter for Earth. Australia became a protectorate of the UN itself, acting as a headquarters state, and Humanity looked as if they were about to enter a golden age. For over one hundred years, Earth prospered under a new UN mandate: Protect, Revive, Uplift. A digital currency, named credits, was adopted by the entirety of the planet, solar and wind energy grew to enormous heights, and new, massive flying machines to be used for transport and a new style of movement called airships were constructed.

Alas, in 2146, believing they'd finally solved global climate change, the UN rolled back the North Star Act to be less stringent.

A few non-renewable energy sources opened up, as coal companies began to build up their business again. But Earth was not yet ready for climate change again. It was still healing. And when new sources of greenhouse gases opened up, the planet began to die in earnest as salt was rubbed into still-open wounds.

The UN noticed that natural disasters were building up again, and so they reformed the North Star act in an attempt to stop the planet from dying once more.

But they were far too late. On July 27th, 2150, three geothermal explosions went off along the coast of Japan. All three summoned 10.0 magnitude earthquakes.

Three tsunamis followed, and four hours later, they made landfall. They plowed through Japan, ravaging cities and slaughtering thousands. But they didn't stop - they rolled through the ruins of Japan and slammed into Southeast Asia.

Violent winds over Vietnam formed into a titanic low-pressure system: they formed into a category five hurricane that swept through the jungle-covered before moving into Cambodia and Laos. Most of southeast Asia was completely consumed.

Storms of all types appeared - but not simple storms like we are used to. No; these storms were the top of their class, unprecedented monstrosities with the capability to devour countries in their lethal winds. Blizzards consumed New York and northeastern America; dust storms choked the life from Dubai and much of the Middle East; tornadoes wiped out most of America's great plains.

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