Chapter 14

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'Hey! I've not seen you all day' Sarah smiled

'Oy, what am I hearing about you and Tyler Grey?' Molly teased

'I only walked to school with him! Jeez rumours get about fast' I sighed while rolling my eyes

Did everyone have nothing better to talk about? Evidentley not.

'Okay okay!' Molly spoke raising her hands up as if to say 'don't rip my head off'

'I'm sorry guys, but I've just got dentention and Tyler was ment to be walking me home and now everythings ruined' I spoke while frowning

'Hey, do you like this guy? WOAH WHAT YOU GOT DENTENTION?!' Sarah shouted

'I punched Carmen in the face' I muttered once again

How many more times would I have to say this?

'YOU WHAT?!' Molly screamed

They both roared with laugher like Tyler and patted me on the back

'We're proud mothers' Sarah spoke while her and Molly put their arms around each other and rubbed my hair

'Fuck off' I laughed while pushing them out the way

'Oh hey Stasee!' Tyler beamed

How many more times would I run into this guy? Not that I minded anyway..

'Hey! Oh yeah Tyler.. I kinda got detention for what happened earlier so you won't be able to walk me home' I spoke with a dissapointed tone

'It's cool..because I got dentention off him too, so..see you in detention' He winked as he walked off

Well this couldn't get any more perfect could it? I said goodbye to Sarah and Molly and made my way for my next lesson; Sociology. My least favourite lesson, along with Science.

Suddenly my arm got tugged into the janitors room, and I heard the door being locked. However it was pitch black, should I be scared? Because I definitely was.

'Hello?' I spoke un easily

'We need to talk' A voice spoke

The light came on

'I told you not to speak to me' I growled

'Stasee why are you talking like I can just forget you? Of course I fucking can't forget you, or leave you alone, or stop thinking about you. I've thought about you everyday since you said that, and I can't do it anymore. I've got to have you.' Jake growled back

'I don't understand you at all! You're with fucking Carmen!' 

Does this boy ever stop?!

'I'm only with her because I have to be!' 

I looked at him confused as he looked at me with worry and regret, for some reason I don't think he was ment to tell me that part. But damn right I was going to find out why he said it.


'Nothing, I'll leave you alone' He spoke reaching for the door knob

Quickly I ran over to the door and placed my back against it, no one was leaving until I got some answers, for sure.

'You're not leaving till you tell me Jake' I demanded

'I'm with Carmen because a few months ago..I slept with her when she was dating Tyler' He blurted out

W-what? He didn't seem like the type of guy to do that..especially to one of his friends? I no longer had respect for him, or little of what I did have left, has gone.

'You what?'

'I know, I was drunk. But she said if I didn't date her she would tell everyone that I forced myself onto her and made her sleep with me, I just don't know what to do!' He groaned running his fingers through his hair

'Maybe you should get your head out your ass and stop being worried of what people think of you, your ego's too big for my liking Jake' I growled while leaving the closet and slamming it shut

Great, now I'd be late for lesson too. 

All I could think about was what Jake had told me, his ego was so big and I can't believe he doesn't even feel an inch of guilt, Tyler obviously hates Carmen for some reason...what if he already knows? And Carmens just doing it so she can keep Jake to herself? Well what she'll never have for sure off him, was real love. 

'Stasee where have you been' The teacher asked

Mr Jackson was pretty laid back, I should be cool. Considering the class were just throwing paper balls at each other

'Sorry Sir, I was at the bathroom' I smiled

'Just be on time next time' He spoke not leaving his eyes from his book

I nodded even though he couldn't see me and took my seat at the front with a girl called Sally, Sally wasn't one of my closest friends, but she was in most of my lessons and she was pretty easy to get along with, so..yeah.

'Hey Sal' I smiled

'Hey Stasee! What's up'

'Eh, not much really, what's new?' I asked

Since she poured her heart out to me, and I didn't have to give anything in return, it was a good relationship.

'Well, Ryan Sheckler keeps hitting on me..but you guys kissed the other week didn't you?'

'Yeah..' I spoke while feeling my face go a shade of red

'Well, do you like him?'

'Ha! No Sal, go for it. I promise you I don't mind' 

'Thank you thank you thank you! Only if you're sure?'

'I'm sure'

She hugged me tightly and class finally started, although all that clouded my thoughts were Jake's problem.

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