Chapter 16

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I entered the house with a massive smile on my face, and it grew even bigger as I saw my sister in the doorway.

'Carly!' I screamed

'Stasee!' She spoke running up to me

I hugged her tightly and smelt the same purfume I used to have to put up with everyday in my room. My sister was 25.

'Hey Stasee!' Mark her boy friend smiled

'Hey Mark!' I smiled while hugging him too

'Okay Stasee...we've got some news for you' Carly smiled

I could only see it was good news, whenever she had a suprise she couldn't help but smile. Could this day get any better? They both took me into the kitchen where we sat around the dining table with my Mum, who obviously already knew the suprise since she was biting her knuckles just to contain her shriek.

'So..' I spoke

'Stasee...I'm pregnant' Carly smiled


'OH MY GOD' I yelled

I'd always blab on to Carly about how much I wanted to be an Aunty..and now it was coming true! Nothing could stop me smiling at this moment in time..I was on top of the world!

'So you're finally gonna be an Aunty!' Mark smiled

'I'M SO HAPPY' I spoke while diving on them both

'Oh my god I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't crush my niece/nephew' I mummbled while stroking her stomach

'I can already tell you're gonna be a brilliant aunty' She smiled while hugging me again

We spoke for ages about what the possilbe names could be, she was going back to the doctors sometime this week for a scan..I hope the 9 months would go quick. Suddenly my phone vibrated.

Text - 1937560193

Hey Stasee the best fricken girl I will ever meet..I was wondering, do you wanna hit the cinemas tonight? :) x

Ahhh! This day really could not get any better, I was so happy right now. And he put a kiss! Okay my life is perfect.

To - Tyler

Hey! And yeah sure! What time? x

Okay he was coming to get me in under an hour, I finished my favourite! Chicken dippers and chips, I said my good byes to my sister and Mark and told them to keep me updated on everything that was happening with my little neice/nephew. I know I shouldn't say this but I hoped to god it was a girl..we could go on shopping trips! But if it was a boy I'd make him the best gentlemen so all the girls would love him! Well I'd defintely make him better than some boys at our school, naming no names. Jake Hefferson.

'Mom I'm going out!' I spoke as Tyler text me telling me he's outside

'Where are you going hon?' She asked

'Cinemas with a friend..text ya later!' I spoke quickly leaving before she could ask anymore questions

I saw Tyler as soon as I came out and I had to say..he was looking so hot. And he looked even hotter since he was in his own car. I couldn't wait to get a birthday was coming up and I've been hinting at my Mom for a car..prefably a range rover, never going to happen..but eh, I can still hope can't I?

'Hey' He winked as I got in

'Hey!' I smiled

'What are you so happy about?' He laughed as we pulled out my drive

'My sisters pregnant!' I cheered

'Oh man! Congrats! Do you know if it's a girl or boy?' 

I liked this guy, anything you said he sounded genuinley interested.

'Not yet, she's going for a scan sometime this week' I gleamed

'Well, get ready to be called Aunty Stasee.. those 9 months will fly by' 

'I hope..'

Eventually we pulled up outside the movies, as we got in we decided to go see the new Spiderman, I was a compelete geek for Spiderman..but I couldn't let it show.

'Want some food?' He asked

'I'm fine' I spoke even though my stomach growled

'Well your stomach says otherwise..of too the food counter!' He spoke while pulling me

He paid for everything..literally, even when I put money on the counter he'd shove in back in my pocket and pull out his, he was such a gentlemen.

'You look pretty tonight...not that you don't everyday! Oh damn' He spoke while stratching his neck

'Thank you' I giggled like a little girl

What was happening to me? I acted so..child like around him, like a little girl in love..but I wasn't in love with him, maybe just a crush? Maybe.

After the film ended we got back in the car and drove to mine, as we pulled up we sat for a while and spoke.

'So thank you for coming tonight, I had fun' He smiled while taking my hand

'I had fun' I smirked

Slowly he moved his head closer to mine, he tilted his head. We were going to kiss..and this time, I was ready.

Our lips touched and it felt like a spark, even though I'd already had my first kiss, this felt like it again but 10 times better. He put his hand on my neck and tucked my hair behind my ears.

We pulled out and I could feel myself going a shade of pink as he smiled at me for a few seconds longer than usual.

'See you tomorrow' He winked

'See you' I smiled

He quickly pecked me on the cheek and I walked back into my house, he beeped and I waved. I shut the door and headed up to my bedroom, what a night..

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