Chapter 38

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My palms were sweaty and I was pacing up and down my living room. What the heck had just happened? I needed to get whereever they were going, and fast.

I picked up my keys and slammed the door shut, I got into my car and got up the car registration app I downloaded onto my phone, quickly I typed in the registration number.

The registration number 134 FGR8 is located at Greenview Warehouse.

Approximately 10 minutes from Sampson Street.

10 minutes? They'd still be there hopefully...but why were they are warehouse?

The word conclusions jumped into my head, they kind of looked like hitmen, what if they'd taken Jake to the warehouse, where no one could see them or hear them. Shit.

I stepped on the pedal and sped down the street, why would they need to hurt Jake though? Who would have set these people on them? The only people he has annoyed is Tyler, right? But I don't think Tyler would do this, Jake had a reason to do that to Tyler, I think Tyler would just prefer to forget about it all since he was drunk.

But what if an unexpected person just wanted to do this? I don't get who would actually bother to hirer hitmen to get Jake though, it must be a pretty weak person I guess. But 2 of them against Jake? They were pretty big too, Jake wouldn't be able to defend himself. What if they get too carried away, no don't think like that Stasee, I can't loose Jake.

They might not even be hitmen! Yeah, maybe they're just dicussing private. With a gun.

Fuck sake.

'You are 2 minutes away from your registration number' My phone echoed

Thank god, once again I placed my foot on the pedal to speed up more, it looked kind of deserted around this place, what if something happens to me? What am I even thinking, as if I'd be able to do anything anyway! I mean, I'm tiny compared to them! They could snap me in half in an instant. It's worth a try though.

'You have reached your registration'

The car was there. Just as I was about to turn the corner the two men came out the warehouse looking around adjusting their suits, they got into the car and drove away. Well what if they just had to stop there and Jake was still in the car or something?

Or what if Jake's in the warehouse?

Dammit! I'll check the warehouse then enter the registration into my phone again to track the car if need be. I pulled up outside the warehouse.

This is like the perfect spot to beat someone up...there was literally no one around, it was just deserted. No busy roads, pedestrians, houses, shops...nothing. The warehouse was old and had alot of cracked windows and no doors.

I hoped out the car locking it while entering, this was scarier than I thought. I stepped into a big room and my footsteps were echoed, I looked around paranoid, I was so vunerable. What if this is where they all hang out? I'm like meat to them.

Suddenly I heard a groaning noise, half of it hoped it was Jake so I wasn't in here with some random person but another half hoped it wasn't because the groan sounded like a 'I'm in so much pain' groan. I followed the noise until I finally found a body laying on the floor.

'Jake!' I gasped running beside him

I pushed his hair back examining his face. He had a black eye, another busted lip, bruised cheeks and alot of cuts. They were definitley hitmen, but who would want to cause so much pain to Jake?

'How the hell did you find me Stase' He groaned

'Never mind that, come on we need to get you home' I whispered as I helped him up

He wrapped his arm around my neck and I wrapped mine around his waist supporting him, who the fuck would do this?

*Jake's POV*

How she found me I'd never know. But I'm so grateful she did, I just couldn't tell her who or why this happened to me because she would try and get revenge, I know Stasee is like that.

And I couldn't go back to hers again, I needed to go home. I needed to sort everything out in my life. We walked back to her car and she helped me into the drivers seat. This girl was unreal, I have no idea what I'd do without her.

'Stase' I muttered

She put my seat belt on and looked up at me.

'Thank you' I smiled while brushing the hair out of her face

'Don't worry about it' She whispered while kissing my cheek

It should have hurt, since of all the bruises that were coming through, but it didn't. It's like her touch was medicine to me.

'Jake who were those people and why did they do this?' She asked looking me up and down

I can't tell her.

'Stasee just leave it alright' I sighed

'Leave it?! Jake there is NO WAY I'm going to leave this!' She laughed in disbelief

'LEAVE IT!' I yelled at her

She flinched, dammit Jake why are you such a douche. I will tell her, just not now. I needed to tell her after I've sorted everything out.

'Why wont you tell me?' She asked focused on the road

Thank god we were coming up to my house now.

'Because some things are better left untold' I muttered

'You're right you know' She spoke tensing her jaw

'Right about what?' I asked looking at her as we pulled up into my drive way

'This won't work if we can't tell each other stuff.' She muttered

'Stasee come on!' I whined

'Go.' She demanded

She didn't even look at me, she looked so pissed. I didn't want to upset her anymore so I got out the car door and slammed it shut. Ok maybe not the best option slamming it, but I don't want to talk about it right now! Why couldn't she get that? Maybe it would have helped if I fucking told her that; well done Jake, again.

Before I knew it she had drove off, great. Was this over, again?

What have I done.

I violently knocked on the door ready to deal with my Dad, if he thinks he can do this and get away with it. He's got another thing coming.

'Nice to have you back son!' He smirked evily

'Well you better get used to having me gone, because I'm leaving' I growled slamming the front door

'What?' He asked quickly turning his head

'What don't you understand 'Dad'? I'm leaving, I am moving out.' I smiled sarcastically

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