Chapter 3

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They look around for a second until their eyes fall on me. One of them walks towards me.

"Valentina Rose-" he starts.

"Don't say it," I stop him harshly. "My name is Quinn." None of this fazes him at all, so he continues.

"I'm Agent Phil Coulson," he explains. "I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."

S.H.I.E.L.D. spectacular. This day just got a lot worse.

I know S.H.I.E.L.D is suppose to protect people, but in my opinion, they can be a pain in the rears of powered people. I mean, come on, they were labeled a terrorist organization, and people just let them come back.

I don't hate S.H.I.E.L.D. I don't trust them, but I guess they can do good. But even if they can, I know they're after powered people... which means they're after me. This in itself, makes them my enemy. Not to mention things they've done in the past...

I start to walk away from Agent Coulson, but the lady agent steps in front of me.

"Stop now," she says without emotion. Her face shows no emotion at all.

"We don't want to take you by force, but Agent May isn't going to let you leave," another male agents says. I'm not intimidated by many people, by this guy is huge. He doesn't look at mean as Agent May, but I'd definitely take Agent Coulson over him. I want to fight, but I know I'll lose, so I just turn back towards Agent Coulson.

"What exactly do you want with me?" I ask nonchalantly.

"We can't explain that here," Quake pipes up. "Please... just come with us, and we'll explain."

Sure you will.

"Sure. Whatever," I respond.

They soon lead me away from the diner and towards a white box.

Oh no. Not happening.

I look for an exit and soon find one. I turn and make a break for it. All of a sudden, I am hit with something, and the world goes black.

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