Chapter 8

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Coulson's POV

Quinn ran off. She's headed towards Director Mace.

No. This is not good. We can't afford to lose her.

We can't go after her. We can't afford to lose more agents, and we especially can't risk releasing Shockley. All we can do... is wait.

Soon, the trucks rev back up. They start to drive away. I see a figure running towards us. When it gets closer, I can see that it's Quinn.

She reaches us and falls to her knees. She looks up at me. Her eyes are full of betrayal.

"Why?" is all she asks. That's all she has to say. I know exactly what she's talking about.

I look away from her. I can't look her in the eye. We were lied to for months. Now, we've lied to her.

I expect her to go running after the trucks, but she doesn't. She storms back to Simmons. She opens her arms to Quinn, who enters them. I can hear them talking. I can hear Quinn's voice skipping beats. The poor thing has to be in tears.

Simmons' POV

Quinn hasn't said anything on the flight back. She's sat with her back facing the team. She knows. We not only lost Mace... we've lost an ally.

Quinn's POV

THEY LIED TO ME!! I knew I should've never trusted S.H.I.E.L.D.!

My father was right... the men in suits couldn't be trusted...

Ten years ago...

Tonight was like any other night since papa found out. He didn't trust powered people. Now, I was one of them. He use to look at me with such pride. Now... I'm not sure what he thinks of me.

Mama and I were sitting on the floor. We weren't exactly a normal family. We moved all the time. Sometimes, we weren't in the most comfortable spots. This was one of those times.

"What do I do? He hates me. He hates me!" I say sobbing into mom's shirt. "Papa hates me!"

She gently strokes me hair. My head hurts. Ever since my powers revealed themselves it has hurt. It's like there's too much information and my mind can't take it.

"He doesn't hate you, baby," she tells me. "This is new for him. It's new for me too. He loves you. Gifts are certainly new for him, and to be honest, I still think love is still new for him."

Her eyes are so kind. They're a soft brown. It's like chocolate. They are warm and welcoming. Mine are like hers. They are a deep brown. They aren't as welcoming though. Because my eyes are also like my fathers. His eyes aren't cold, at least not towards me, but they are rough. They aren't soft like my mother's eyes. They are a rough greenish blue. Even if we are different, I cannot deny my father. The look in my eye, my dark hair, it's all his. My mother says I am my papa's child.

"But mama..." I say looking away from her in fear that I will show my red, damp eyes.

"Look at me," she says softly. "Valentina.."

I still don't look at her. I can't.

"Valentina Rose Ivanov..."

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