chapter 9

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dad and i sat around the fire instead of eating inside the house like everyone else.

he's pissed off at everyone right now but me. he don't get mad at me often.

we just sat in silence staring at the fire. carol informed us that lori is missing and dad told her that she probably went off looking for rick.

and dad snapped at carol and walked away from the scene. i sighed and just continued to look at the fire. i didn't feel like going after him to be honest.

dad went over to where we clean the animals we killed. a little while later carol went there to talk to him again. instead dad lashed out on her. all i heard was him yelling at her. i just tried to ignore it. it's best to leave dad alone when he's like this.

i didn't even consider getting involved until i heard carol say "i'd rather you take this out on me than your daughter. so go ahead. yell. do whatever you need to". they both looked over at me. i started to listen in.

"i ain't like your husband. i ain't gonna do nothin' wrong to my daughter. hell, that girl is my entire world! just because my dad was an asshole doesn't mean i'm gonna be a shitty dad. don't bring my daughter into this shit" he yelled in carols face. he looked over at me. he must have noticed i was listening in.

"reagan mind your own damn business!" he yelled. i quickly turned my head back fo face the fire.

the next morning i joined dad, shane, t-dog, and andrea by one of the cars. dad and i are finally carrying around our bows again. and speaking of dad, i'm just trying to keep my mind off the mess that happened last night.

we started discussing things when a car started to drive into hershel's property. it was rick and the others. dad and i started walking towards it.

rick came out of the carl along with hershel and glenn. "patricia, prepare the bed for surgery. reagan, stay on stand by. i might need your help" hershel said walking into his house. hershel may hate most of the people in our group at the current moment, but he still loves me.

dad and i started walking towards the car when t-dog pointed out the fact that there's a guy in there. his name is apparently randall.

i stood outside of the room while hershel preformed surgery. i helped him out with a few parts. nothing major though.

dad went off on his own. he didn't come back until we we all discussing the randall situation. i came walking in with hershel. i stood in the corner of the dining room and dad came over to me and stood protectively next to me.

once we were all done talking, carol came up to dad and i. dad stormed off and i followed him.

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