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A high pitched screech was heard, and everyone went quiet. Alexa ran into the kitchen to see what was happening when she saw Chewy freaking out.

 "Chewy! What on earth are you doing?" Alexa asked the animatronic rabbit. Chewy stopped and turned towards Alexa, her face looked worried.

 "ALEXA I CAN'T FIND THE KAKE MIX!!" Chewy yelled, her voice shaky. Alexa face palmed and opened a drawer filled with cake mix.

 "Oh, Chewy. It's pronounced C-AY-K. Not K-ACC. Ok?" Alexa explained to Chewy.

"Actually, it's called Kake because I add special ingredients!" Chewy grinned at Ms. Fuzbun, who had a worried look plastered on her face.

 "Well, I use... SPARE PARTS!" Chewy yelled. Alexa glanced at the kids in the dining room, checking for any sick kids.

 "Chewy! That could be BAD for them!! Make some actual cake," Alexa said, furrowing her eyebrows. Chewy sighed and started making normal cake, when Alexa was tapped on to shoulder.

"Uh, there's some restaurant critic here to see you..." Cpg said, his voice trembling. Alexa nodded and walked into the dining room to be confronted by a very tall woman in a black business suit, carrying a pencil and a clip board.

 "Ah, you must be Alexa. Nice to meet you," the woman said, her voice strong and demanding. When stuck her hand out and Alexa shook it.

 "The pleasures all mine! Now, why are you here? Did someone file a complaint?" Alexa asked, starting to worry. The woman smiled.

 "No, I'm just doing a standard check! Ah, how about we start in the kitchen?" The woman asked, her smile turning back to the look of authority.

 "Of course!" Alexa grinned and led the woman into kitchen where Chewy was baking cake. The woman wrote something on the clipboard and walked up to Chewy. She glanced back at Alexa, who was smiling and mouthed, Talk to her! The woman looked nervous, but decided to try.

"Uh, what are you doing, rabbit?" She asked, when Chewy whipped around.

"I'M MAKING CAKE!!" Chewy yelled, holding a bowl and a spoon. The woman looked at Chewy, then at the bowl, and wrote something down. She then walked out of the room and into Sailor's Hideout.

"Interesting..." The woman remarked when she saw Bets and Fred performing on thier stages. She walked up to Bets's stage, which was a boat.

"Is this a real boat?" She asked no one in particular.

"It be real, lassie! The cannons even be workin'!" Bets said, grinning. The woman made a shocked face, quickly wrote something down, and walked over to the Play Area. The three kids from earlier slid down the slide, with another kid behind them, licking it. The woman just walked out. 

She walked down one of the hallways, but stopped and turned around when she saw a suspicious red stain on the ground.

The woman headed for the main stage and gazed at the animatronics, by now Chewy was back at the stage.

"The kids sure love the show," She said, smiling and writing something down.

"They sure do!" Alexa exclaimed, rocking on her heels.

"Mrs. Fuzbun, do you have a license for these animatronics?" The woman asked, concerned.

"Uh, yes. Let me go ask my.. Co. worker!" Alexa ran to Cpg and Troy's office.

"TROY!!!!! I thought I told you to stop rough housing with Cpg!!" She yelled at Troy, who had Cpg pinned to the wall and was punching him. Troy dropped the bloody Cpg and walked up to Alexa.

"What do you want, Alexa?" He asked, licking the blood off his knuckles, making Alexa shiver.

"I need you to take care of the health place woman... She knows too much," She relpied, her voice shaky.

"Sure thing, sis."


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A/N: BUM BUM BUUUUUUM!!! TROY IS ALEXA'S BROTHER!!!! Oh, i'm terribly sorry for not updating in so long.

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