Chapter 10.

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Rebecca dropped the phone and ran over to Kimberly. She could not believe this shit was happening on her first day!

"What's wrong Kimberly," Rebecca said standing in front of her trying to stay calm.

Kimberly just kept pointing at her throat. Rebecca ran back to her cell phone. She couldn't hold it any more. She became frantic. "AUGUST GET HOME SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH KIMBERLY!"

"WHAT! What's wrong! I'm on my way," he said grabbing his key and running out the building. His gym was only a few miles away.

"August I can't talk! I'm calling 9-1-1 from the house phone just get home!" She sat her cell phone down when an operator got on the house phone.

"This is Diane, state your location and emergency." The operator said.

"I'm on 23432 West Sycamore Place. I have a little girl here and she was having a very hard time breathing and," she paused. "She just passed out!" Rebecca said now crying hysterically.

"Ma'am I need you to calm down. I want you to have a clear head. I want you to lay her on the ground, check her mouth of anything lodge in her throat and do chest compression. Do you know how to do that?" the operator said.

"Yes, I know how to do it. " She put the phone on speaker and ran over to Kimberly "How soon will paramedics get here." Rebecca said a little calmer.

"They will be there in five to seven minutes, but I need you to start those compressions after you check her mouth and don't stop until the medics get there. I will stay on the phone." The operator said as Rebecca situated on the ground. She checked her mouth and didn't see anything. So she moved onto the next step.

Rebecca started doing the chest compressions and about 10 seconds of doing mouth-to-mouth Kimberly started giggling and opened her eyes.

"Got cha!!" Kimberly said sitting up.

Becca.. was..mortified. All she could do was cry. She didn't know what to say to Kimberly.

All the sudden the front door swung open. August ran into the house, but slowed down when he stepped in the kitchen and saw Rebecca crying with her head in her hands and Kimberly looking guilty.

"Hello? ......Hellooo," the operator said into the phone.

August slowly grabbed the phone looking very pissed at Kimberly.

"Hello ma'am, it was a false alarm." August said to the operator

"Okay, I will get a hold of the paramedics," she said. However sir, I have to tell you it is a $200 charge for false alarms calls."

"That's fine mail it to my house. Thank you." He hung up the phone with his piercing eyes never leaving Kimberly. His eyes soften when he looked at Rebecca walking out the kitchen.

"Kimberly, I don't even have words to even begin to explain how pissed I am with you. You better get your butt upstairs to your room NOW!" August said in an angry tone toward his daughter. Kimberly started crying running upstairs to her room.

August shook his head and walked out the kitchen to find Rebecca. She was not in the living room so he walked to the guest room where she kept her things. He walked in noticing that she was still crying as she packed.

He also noticed that she was still in her bathing suit as she slipped her shorts over her bathing suit bottoms. As she went to pull her t-shirt over her head, August caught a glimpse of her side breast.

Then Rebecca noticed August standing there and tried to give a weak smile to him. She looked away as she kept packing not saying anything. So he slowly walked over to her and lightly grabbed her arm. She stopped packing, but her hair was cover her face so August couldn't see her cry.  He didn't know why but he felt the need to do what he did next.

The Babysitter (August Alsina Story) -Book 1- Revised 2019Where stories live. Discover now