Chapter 18.

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Becca walked in the game room to August and Kimberly playing Mario Kart.

"Daddy you are cheating!" Kimberly said, whining.

August just laughed at her as she pouted.

"Stop being a sore loser babygirl," he said getting off the floor. "That's ain't cute."

Kimberly looked at him with a mean face, "I don't want to play with you anymore."

She stomped her feet right past Becca.

"She'll be iight," August said, walking over to Becca. He looked her over "You look very nice today."

"Thank you. I decided I'm going to meet with Trey now instead of later today," she said, playing with her hair.

"Okay, will you be coming back here? Or are you going back to your sisters house?" he asked.

"I guess I will go back home since you're here for the rest of the weekend," she said, shifting her purse.

"Okay, well I guess we can talk later about everything," August said, sitting on the couch.

Becca came and sat down next to him, "Look, regardless if Trey and I work things out or not, I do not want things to be weird between you and I. I enjoy our....well I don't know what to really call it, but I like being able to work for you and still call you a friend."

"Of course things won't get weird. I don't want to put a title on our thing. But I do have feelings for you. It's a tricky situation since I hired you to take care of Kimberly. I kind of wish I hadn't, but then I may not have been able to meet you," August said, smiling at her. "Trey doesn't know the rare diamond he currently has.

He grabbed her hand and rub it.

"I can admit there is something there between us, but I don't want anyone to get hurt. And with Kimberly in the middle. I don't want her to be effected by anything," she said, looking at him. "You and I shared a moment that was...." she was getting a little moist thinking about it. "Lets just say, I haven't had that feeling in a while."

She had to put the images that were going through her mind of the previous night in the back of her mind so she could finish talking. "Let's try to remain professional from now on. For Kimberly's sake."

"For Kimberly's sake, okay," then he put on a mischievous grin "Can I get a kiss since it may be my last from you?" he said getting closer to her face.

She didn't say anything just grabbed his face and pecked him. She laughed as she started to get up.

"What the hell was that? Oh hell nahhh" August pulled her back down, hovered over her with his muscular arms on each side and kissed her deeply. She laid there stunned for a second, then slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. They were getting deep in the kiss, Becca slid her hands under his shirt and pulled him closer.  However he broke the kissed quickly pulling away.

"Okay, you can go now." He said getting up.

She looked at him stunned as she laughed, "That's fucked up Aug. You did that on purpose."

He laughed, "Just wanted you to feel what you will be missing shawty."

He grabbed his hat and put on his shades.

"Kimberly get your shoes on. We are going to Nana's house," he shouted. He looked at Becca. " You better get going. I believe you said you needed to meet your man."

Becca got off the couch and playfully punched him, "Yeah, yeah I'm going," she said, grabbing her purse. "Kimberly, I'll see you Monday. Have fun at your Nana's house." she shouted up the steps then turned to August, "I'll talk to you later."

The Babysitter (August Alsina Story) -Book 1- Revised 2019Where stories live. Discover now