Chapter 3

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Rebecca chatted with her mom for a little while longer then headed home. She pulled up to her condo in the middle of the city to loud noises coming from her place.  As she walked into her place, she saw her boyfriend Trey sitting on the couch playing 2K.

"Hey Babe," Trey said, with his eyes still glued to the game, "How was your day?"

"It was fine. Went to the spa with Mom." She said putting her keys down. "I see you are still in the same spot I left you in this morning. Did you even wash ya ass?"

"NOPE!" he said laughing.

"Ewwww that's just triflin" she said, laughing to the kitchen. He paused his game and came jogging to the kitchen to Becca. She was at the kitchen sink washing a few dishes when he came and grabbed her hips trying to kiss on her.

She dodged his it, "I know your funky ass is not tryin' to kiss me when not a drop of water touched your body or a squirt of tooth paste touched your mouth," she said in disgust.

"I did brush my teeth baby," he started kissing her neck. "So can I get some suga pleeease?" Becca turned around and wrapped her arms around him and gave him a little peck.

"What the hell was that?" Trey said looking at her confused.

"That's all you get until you wash that nasty ass!" she turned back around to finish washing dishes.

"Join me then," he pulled her hips closer to him. She could feel his semi erection.

It turned Becca on a little bit, but she was not going to give in to him. "You hop your tail in there and I will join you in a few min--"

He ran to the bathroom before she could get the last word completely out. She laughed to herself and decided to call her big sister London.

"House of beauty, this is Cutie!" London answered with her signature sentence.

"Why do you have answer the phone like that?" Rebecca said laughing.

"Look, what do you want little girl? Don't call me asking questions like that." said London, jokingly.

"I wanted your opinion about something." She said sitting down on her bar stool.

"Okay... spit it out. One of my friends turned lover is coming over soon." London said on the other end of the phone while looking at herself in the mirror admiring her ass in her purple laced panties.

"You are wild sis!" Becca laughed.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm young and living my best life. I don't need to be tied down. PLUS... You know what, never mind. I don't need to explain myself," London said with attitude. "Anyway what's up?"

"Okay, so I need a job and mom was telling me about this babysitting gig from a friend. I would be a full time babysitter, but I'm not sure if this is a good move for me."

"All I heard was need...job...gig and full time." London rolled her eyes as she sat on her ottoman. "Sis, I know you're not calling me about nonsense like this."

She continued.
"You aint go no job Tommy!" Quoting a famous line from Martin.

Becca couldn't help but laugh at her sister.

"You need money and full time babysitters make mad money watching some spoiled kid. Shoot, that's all you girl! Spoiled children with a spoiled nanny. Sounds like a great match to me," London laughed.

"Babe, I thought you said you were hopping in the shower with me?" Trey yelled from the bathroom.

"I'm on the phone with London. Also, I said that to get your dirty butt in the shower," Becca laughed

"That's fucked up Becca. Iight I got you," Trey yelled back.

Rebecca just laughed at him, "Look sis, enjoy your company I will call you tomorrow. I think I will try the whole babysitting thing. Lovveeeee you"

"Yeah, yeah love you too loser," London said before hanging up.

London and Rebecca have that crazy love-hate and love again relationship. Naughty and nice. That's London and Becca. London would KILL for her little sister, but at the same time wants to kill her. Nothing like sister love.

After getting off the phone, Rebecca decided to stop messing with Trey and joined her man in the shower.



Edited 8/2019

The Babysitter (August Alsina Story) -Book 1- Revised 2019Where stories live. Discover now