Chapter 19.

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Trey got out of his truck mentally preparing for the conversation he planned to have with Camille. As he prepared to knock on her door, she opened it. She wrapped her arms around him with her big belly in between. Camille was so happy to see Trey. He could see it in her eyes, he started to feel bad for what he was about to say to her.

"Your son has been doing karate moves in my stomach!" she laughed as she wobbled to the sofa. "I keep telling myself, it's only two more months before he's up out of this body."

"Awww, I'm sorry boo," he bent down talking to her stomach. " Stop beaten up your moms in there lil man. I know you're ready to get out. Just a little while longer." He kissed her stomach.

Camille laughed, "So what brings you into town so soon? I thought you weren't going to be back at least for another two weeks."

He sat down next to her, "I wanted to see how you were doing." Then he said in a hesitant tone, "I also needed to talk to you about some things."

"What's wrong Trey?" She said sitting up a little least trying to. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine. I just..." He paused and looked Camille in her eyes. He could see the love and care she had for him and he couldn't bare to break her heart, but he had to do what was right for his future with Becca. Trey looked down, "I just don't think we can continue like this," he exhaled, and looked back into her eyes.

Camille just stared.

"I know this is sudden but I've been thinking about this for some time now, and I just feel like deserve someone who can be there for you full time and I just can't be that man for you right now."

She choked back tears as she listened to the man she thought she loved- the man whose child grew inside of her- tell her that he was...leaving. She was confused, "Trey I don't understand where this is coming from. I mean I know we don't spend that much time together because of your job but I thought that would change some when the baby got here. I thought you might be able to slow down to help me," she pleaded.

Trey got up and held her hand, "That's just it baby, when the baby comes I'm gonna have to work even harder to be on my grind to provide for him- to give him everything my father didn't give me," she started to look frantic. "Wait no, I'm not saying I'm not going to be here to help you too. I'm a man and I'm going to take care of my responsibilities. I just want you to be happy and I know being with me isn't going to do that for you."

"I knew you worked a lot...and somehow I knew this day would come. I just thought maybe I could change your mind. I thought maybe if I was good enough for you and waited on you-" she cried.

Trey helped pulled her up, gently grabbed her chin and looked her in her eyes, "Don't talk like that, you hear me? It's not you," she nodded so he let her go. "I got a lot of my own shit I need to work out and in order for me to be a better man for my son I need space to do that. I can't have you waiting around for me to have my stuff together. Okay?"

She wiped her eyes, "As long as you swear to me you're not going to leave me to take care of this baby alone."

"I know Camille. Anything you need, just ask." Still in her face, he smiled and lifted her chin with his finger, "You know I only want what's best for you and our son, right?"

She smiled back, "Yeah, whatever." She pushed his hand out of her face, "I gotta wash my face and pee."

He laughed, "Dang girl, you always gotta pee." He watched as she waddled towards the bathroom. He plopped down with a sigh of relief. He was lucky Camille was so understanding most women wouldn't put up with what he's put her through with the short and few visits since she has been pregnant- even fewer would put up with what he's put Becca through so he had to make it up to her by continuing on to his next phase of getting his shit together.

The Babysitter (August Alsina Story) -Book 1- Revised 2019Where stories live. Discover now