Chapter 20.....

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Its been two months since the birth of Chris and China's son. They have been doing pretty good as new parents. The only thing they can't get right is who gets up for the late night shifts.

"Waaaahhh waaaaahh," Baby Chris cried in the basinet.

Neither Chris nor China got up from under the covers.

"Go check on the baby. I just fed him an hour ago," China whined as she nudged Chris.

"You do it China," Chris whined. "I need some sleep before I meet with the label in the morning."

China sat up and looked at Chris with her hair all wild then proceeded to push his ass out the bed.

"Nigga if you don't get yo high yellow ass up and check on your son, I swear I'm going to raise hell in here." She said through her teeth.

"Okay Okay, I'm going sheesh." Chris knew not to play with China these days. She is with the baby most of the day since Chris is out producing music, so he knows this is the only time she can get rest.

Chris picked up CJ and walked down stairs talking to the him, "Why is your mama so damn mean!" he held him out in front of him.

"Lesson one son, do not get on mommy's bad side." CJ gave Chris a goofy smile. For a second Chris thought he understood until a smelled shit.

"Eww man. Did you just poop while I'm holding you?" CJ started crying again confirming that he did indeed shit.

"Come on man. Let's change your diaper and go wake your Uncle August up." he said talking to CJ.

Chris changed him then called August. The phone rang a few times before August answered.

"Negro I know you are not calling me at no damn 3:30 in the fuckin mornin," August said yelling in the phone.

"Shut up. Don't fake like you ain't up already." Chris said while laying the baby in the basinet in the kitchen so he could make him a bottle.

"Well nigga YOU didn't know that already shit. Anyway what do you want?" August said sitting up in his bed. "Everything okay."

"Nothing really. Everything is good . I'm just up chillin' with the baby," Chris said leaning against the counter.

"Soo not only did you ring my phone at 3:30 in the morning, but you callin about nothin?" August said laying back down. "Nigga you trippn."


Chris looked at his phone then at his son. "Did your uncle really just hang up on me." He shook his head.

He finished making the bottle, picked up the baby and went back up to the room. He rocked and sang CJ back to sleep. China wasn't all the way sleep. She smiled when she heard Chris singing the baby a lullaby.

Once the baby was down, Chris climbed back in bed with China. She flipped over and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Chris chuckled, "Oh now you wanna be all sweet and show some love to ya man."

"Shut up." China laughed

They finally were both able to get some rest... for an hour until Baby Chris cried again.

"SHIT!" They both said together.
During this break his relationship break with Rebecca, Trey has finally gotten his act together. He is utilizing his skills and started coaching the local high school basketball and getting them trained for the upcoming school year. He is also back in school part time.

Since breaking things off with his baby mama, Camille, Trey still has not told Becca about her or the baby. They have already started to patch things up, even though they are both holding on to secrets. Trey even moved back into Becca's place.

The Babysitter (August Alsina Story) -Book 1- Revised 2019Where stories live. Discover now