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I woke up in a fluffy, comfortable bed. Finally! I'm back at camp! Weh! 

"Annabeth?! Perce?!" I called out trying to sit up, but wincing. Was I in the medical cabin? Where was Will? I needed ambrosia. "Will?!" My throat was also dry, I glanced over to the side of the bed to see water and some painkillers. That shit wouldn't help. The door opened and a boy with sunglasses entered. "The fuck?" I muttered as I rubbed my eyes. He was the boy who had tried to talk to me during the Orphanage thingy. And then they attacked us! But then we saw the map, and Gaea's probably alive, and I have to carry this quest by myself, and the thumbdrive, AND MY BACKPACK! I immediately sprung up, but the sunglasses boy (Richard?) held me down. "Let go of me!" I cried out as I struggled against his grip, but my headache and my confusion made me weaker than usually.

"I can't understand you! Listen, just tell me your name." 

"No!" I muttered while shaking my head, why was I so drowsy?

"Well, I can understand that. Just listen to me, okay?! You passed out when I was going out for a jog, you seemed as though you just killed a giant or something." Ha ha ha. "Anyways, I brought you up here and we gave you some painkillers."

"We?" I muttered in English. I just couldn't mutter any commands.

"Ya, my brothers, dad, butler, and I." He paused as he looked at me. "You do remember me, right?" I nodded, wincing slightly at the pain.

"Dick." I said, pointing at him. He nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. I suddenly tugged on his arm. "Backpack!" I whined before covering up my mouth, I sounded so helpless. He smiled for a second before lifting my backpack from the ground. I snatched it from him and opened it. Thank the gods! I pulled out a piece of ambrosia and felt as my mind untangled itself from stress and fighting. I sighed as my vision cleared dramatically and I stood up, putting my backpack on and almost leaving before he stopped me. 

"Woah, what did you just eat? You look good as new." I sighed as I rolled my eyes, glaring at him.

"Medicine." I said simply as I tried to walk out again, but he stopped me... again.

"But that can't be from around here. I mean, can I see it? Or-?"

"No." I pulled my arm away as I opened the door. "Thanks." I then was about to leave but then Mr. Bruce Wayne stopped me this time, with the rest of his three sons. He pushed me back into the room as he crossed his arms.

"I don't think so." He then glared at me and I felt goosebumps play on my skin.

"You have some explaining to do, starting with, we want you to joins us." I opened my eyes and lifted an eyebrow.










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