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Today was the field trip to Wayne's Enterprises. I got picked on while me and the other orphans waited for the bus. Annabeth grabbed my hand, trying to make me calm down. I gave her a reassuring nod as we boarded the yellow school bus. Strange considering how none of the orphans went to school.

"I bet that we will be the only people to find out secrets." I whispered to Annabeth in Greek. I never spoke English except when I fought the monsters. 

"Yeah, wonder if we can catch any liars." Annabeth responded. She helped me braid my long brown hair and after she had accomplished doing my hair laid on her shoulder. Annabeth then handed me a book in Greek about space and I started to read intently.

"I am never going to put down this book." I mumbled as I flipped the current page which was talking about stars and galaxies. The bus hit a bump and I cursed in Greek. Annabeth hit the back of my head.

"No cursing." I sighed as I stuffed my eyes back into my book. It felt like three minutes had passed when the bus stopped and I continued reading about the features of a blackhole as I exited the bus with Annabeth. I ignored the leader of the trip as she reminded us of the expectations. Blah blah blah! Annabeth mumbled about the architecture as I reached into her bag to pull out another book about space. I returned my old book and got out a one thousand page in detail book about space. Perfect!

I payed no attention to the details of the building as we entered because I was intrigued by the life cycle of a star. I payed minor attention as Bruce Wayne walked down the stars. Everyone around me applauded him but I forgot to. I followed the crowd while reading as we turned to a room with chairs around a table. Bruce asked us to sit down. I did so while reading and Annabeth plunked down into a seat next me. 

I ignored Bruces explanation and only smirked when everyone around me started laughing. Soon after I got page eight hundred I felt Annabeth nudge me so I looked up to find a boy with black hair and blue eyes staring at me. 

"Looks like kelp head." I whispered to her (in Greek). 

"Except that he looks smarter and less handsome." I scoffed maybe a little bit to loudly because a few heads turned to our direction. I looked back into my book as Annabeth shushed the kids who looked. 

"Now that's the end of my presentation for you kids. Do you kids have any questions?" Over half of the orphans raised their hands as I closed my book and reached into Annabeth's bag to get another book but Annabeth swatted my hand away. I rolled my eyes as I mildly payed attention.

"Where do you get all of these ideas?" Anya asked. Anya was the Queen B of the orphanage. She thinks she's so pretty and all of the girls want to be her so they all follow her around. She flipped her brownish red hair over her shoulder and winked at the boy in the corner. 

"I just think of the towns needs and I come up with them." He said while shrugging. 

"Sounds like Jason." I whispered. We both broke out into giggling. 

"Nah, more like what Percy says Blackjack is." Now we both started to laugh a little harder.

"Maybe more like Poseidon." Now we were both cracking up as quietly as we could, which was really loud. Whoops!

"Sorry!" Annabeth apologized in English. "Not." She muttered in Greek to me. I smirked as I put my head down again. After a few more questions I realized that the boys eyes were still on me. I analyzed him quickly. He seemed overly fit for his age, well except of course if he's a demigod-

"Well, since we have until dinner. I think I'll let you wander." Bruce said while standing up. I snapped out of my analyzing as Annabeth pulled me out of my chair. I was wearing jean shorts and a tank top with sneakers. 

"Come on, lets go outside." Annabeth agreed as we avoided any conversations as we navigated to outside. I laid down on the dewy grass and Annabeth tossed me a one thousand four hundred paged book. I lay on my stomach as I flipped open to the first page and started reading. 

We, Annabeth and I, read for hours upon hours until it was sunset. The lack of light struck me out of my trance with my book and I sat up. I tapped Annabeth out of her daze and we both went back inside. I opened the door and ran once I smelt the food to the kitchen. I accidentally banged into the boy who was staring at me and I stumbled but didn't fall.

"Ah! Sorry." He apologized. I almost forgave him but then realized that I couldn't talk in English. I  just gave him my it's okay shrug and I turned to go to the kitchen but then I heard Anya's voice. I sighed as I saw her prancing in front of her minions. I forced my eyes to look down as my body became introverted. I so wanted her to pass me and go flirt with the boy but instead she stopped in front of me. 

"Boys!" She sang as her two boyfriends came and pinned me to the wall. "Listen freak because I know you can't speak English. I need you to stop trying to be like me 'cause it's never gonna work." I grunted in disgust as I rolled my eyes. From the corner of my eye I saw the boy look questioningly at me. Did I saw he had put sunglasses on so you couldn't see his face. 

Anya let the two boys slam into the wall a few times before prancing over to the boy.

"Hey Richard." She said flirtatiously, putting a hand on her chest. 

"Uh. . . hi?" I snickered at how disgusted he looked. He seemed to smirk when I snickered so I quickly waved bye to him as I went to the kitchen. I hated being social. If I had a book tucked under an arm and food in another hand then I would be set for life. I quickly got a bowl of chili and bread to go with it. I then snuck to a comfy spot and finished my book. If you thought this part of the trip was weird, just wait.

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