I groggily get out of bed, wincing as I limp to my wardrobe, I pull out a comfy outfit, which consists of. A white vest, loose grey hoodie, black skinny's rolled up and my white converse. I leave my hair in loose curls, and apply light makeup.
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I quickly rewrap my ribs, grab my bag and head downstairs, I quickly grab an apple and leave. As I walk I try not to limp and wince, finally I make it to school, my ribs feel like there on fire, every step I take is unbearable. I lean against the wall to catch my breath back. I heavily sigh, just gaining my breath back, I begin to walk to English, trying not to limp.
As I walk down the hall I spot them, I can't show them I'm weak and in pain, I walk as normal as I can, my ribs still hurting. I finally make it and just on time, the teacher blabs on and on. Suddenly a paper ball is thrown at me, I pick it up slightly wincing. Are you ok signed Luke I look up and saw him looking at me with concern. I scribble fuck off and scrunch it up the ball and threw it at him. It hits him on the head, I smirk at the sight, his face frowns, I look away.
The whole day he's been close to me, and I mean the whole day, I storm up to him, regretting it, "look I'm fine, no need to follow me, and don't cover it up with your excuses" I shout and rush to the bathroom. I run into a cubicle, I wince in pain, my breathing heavy, I try to calm my breathing.