Someone knocks on my door, "come in" I says blankly, he runs his hand through his hair "I've got a surprise for you, be ready in half an hour" Luke says giving me a small smile, "sure, get out" I say throwing a pillow at him. I'm curious about this surprise he's got for me. He walks back in "were something cute" he adds and leaves. Damn it, I look through my closet, thanks to Carmen, I've got some stuff that she doesn't want.
I've put it to three outfits but I can't decide which one, I jog to Carmen's room and knock on the door. She opens it and I drag her to my room, "I've got three options" I say pointing to my outfits, "what's it for" she says excited, "not sure, he just said dress cute" I say happily, she points to the right one. I go into the bathroom and change.
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I walk out and see Carmen and Luke, "I'll leave you two love birds to it" Carmen says winking, "you always look amazing, angel" he's say amazed, he gives me a quick peck and we leave. He opens the car door for me, I put on my belt, he does the same and we drive off.
After an hour we pull up somewhere, we get out "I'm going to blind fold you, do you trust me" Luke says, his eyes glistening with happiness, "of course" I say excited. After what felt like hours the blind fold is removed. I gasp "it's amazing" I say hugging him.
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Suddenly out of nowhere, the man who haunts me stands metres away, I see him raising a gun, "Luke look out" I say pushing him out of the way. Pain shoots through me, "Lu Luke I Lo Love you" I choke out. I let my eyes close
Luke's POV
"Luke look out" Lexi say pushing me out of the way. She screams, "Lu Luke I Lo Love you" she chokes out. Her eyes close, I raise my gun and shoot Daniel in the head and heart, I quickly call my gang hospital. I own one so that people won't get suspicious. I apply pressure on her wound, "stay with me angel" I say crying as I keep pressure on the wound.
2 hours later
I sit outside in the hall waiting for any news on my angel, I walk up and down the hall impatiently. Finally a doctor walks out.