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Luke's POV

"Whose they" she says weary, "nobody angel" I says with a small smile, "can you please tell me" she whispers softly, I take a sigh, "no, I don't want you involved" I says sternly she nods slowly.

After 2 minutes of akward silence. "Sooo, can I meet everyone" she says, "ok, let's go angel" I say. I grip her hand and pick up my phone from the desk. We walk downstairs and into the living room, "ok, I'm going to bring the most important people in, ok angel" I ask her, she nods. I notice when she's nervous she is quiet and nods a lot.

She starts to worry, "don't worry, Dan won't be here" I says trying to calm her, I text my three guys. They walk in. "This is Scott, Jake and Jack" I says pointing each of them out to her, "Scott's the hacker and Jake and Jack are my second and third in command" I say. I lean towards her ear "Jack's the one you punched" I whisper causing her to laugh.

"Hey, she's the one who punched me" Jack says, she chuckles sweetly "the name's Lexi" she says with a evil smile, "dude, she's weird I like her" Scott says, "thanks" she says, ok she more comfortable around Scott, "you can leave now" I say sternly. I text my girls and they walk in, "this is Stacey, Carmen and Isabel" I say "Stacey and Isabel get information and Carmen is a spy" I say. She sees there eyes of hatred apart from Carmen so she glares back. "My name is Lexi" she says, they grumble hi and leave, Carmen gives her a small smile as she leaves.
"Bye fucking plastic Barbie bitches" I hear her mumble, I laugh at her.

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