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Luke's POV

She snuggles deeper into me, she sits up "morning angel" I say huskily. She smiles "morning", "what time is it" I ask. I hear fumbling and I hear an unlocking sound "It's 10:30" she say sleepily, "I'll go make breakfast" I said slipping out of bed.

She frowns, "I'll be back don't worry" I say smiling, she nods slowly and then pout, I can't resist that pout, "come on then" I chuckle, she climb out of bed happily. We walk downstairs, I
She slowly slips her hand in mine, I smile. What is she doing to me. Finally we reach the kitchen,

"What do you want to eat" I ask her, "I don't know" she says, "I know" I say excited. She sits on the island stool watching me grab various items, "do you like chocolate and strawberries" I ask, "not sure" she say curious, I wave my hand to call her over. I can't believe she's never tried it before.

I hand her a strawberry, I laugh at her confusion "it's a strawberry" I say, she takes a small bite and pulls a face, i laugh at her. "Moving on. This is chocolate spread, but everyone calls it chocolate" I say handing her a small tub. I turn and give her a small spoon. She takes a small spoonful, she moans in delight "this is good" she says pointing to the tub. That's 3 times I've got excited.

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