To Tour or Not To Tour...

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So this isnt near;y as long as I had wanted it to be, but some things happened this week that prevented me from working on this that much. I promise you that next chapter it will be longer and better. Again thank you so much for staying with me and being patient with me, I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Stay awesome! <3 



Eleanor's POV

"You are looking at the newest member of Atlantic Records!" Hunter yelled. Lynette screamed and ran over to me and threw her arms around me in a hug. "Congratulations sweetie, I'm so proud of you." She mumbled into my shoulder. "Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me." I said while tearing up. "I think this calls for a celebration. I am going to make dinner and desert. What would you like?" She asked. "Umm, well we haven't had your homemade gumbo in a while." I said and was cut off by Hunter, "Yes, that's my girl!" He said cheering and throwing his arm in the air, I did and so did Nat. 

Hunter's POV

"Your wish is my command. It looks like I've got to go to the store." She said looking through our fridge to see what we had. "I'll go with you." My dad said getting up from the couch. Once they left I walked up to Eleanor, "I'm so proud of you baby. You were amazing today." I said wrapping ,y arms around her waist. "Thank you so much, I could not have done it without your support." She said while wrapping her arms around my neck. I leaned in and kissed her while she played with the hair at the nape of my neck. "MOMMY, DADDY!" Nat screeched causing us to jump apart and the twins to both wake up and start to cry. "Oopsies." Nat said slapping her hand over her mouth. "It's okay princess." I said kneeling down to her level. I'll go check on Bella and Josh." Eleanor said leaning down and kissing my forehead before she scurried off to the sound of the screaming babies. 

Eleanor's POV

I picked up both Bella and Josh and carried them to the living room. Just as I walked in the front door opened and in walked Lynette and Leo carrying tons of bags. "Umm…" I said gesturing to the bags. She smiled and said "Well I got a few extra things." "A few. If that's a few then I'd like to know what a lot is." I said laughing. "Oh just hush." She said and hurried into the kitchen to start dinner. I was in the living room swaying back and forth trying to calm him down because he was being really crabby. I suddenly felt two little hands on my stomach. I looked down to see Natalie raising her arms up for me to pick her up. "Sweetie I'm holding Josh, but I'll hold you after." I said to her. She stomped away while pouting. 

Hunter's POV

I look up to see Natalie walking towards me, and she didn't look happy. "Daddy, mommy won't pick me up." She said crawling into my lap. I looked over to my dad and he was chuckling. "Pumpkin, mommy is a little busy with your brother right now. You need to be a little patient with her." I said brushing some hair behind her ear. "But she doesn't have time for me anymore." She said while starting to cry. "Oh sweetie of course she does, she is always going to have time for you. You just have to share her with your brother and sister now, just always remember that she will always love each of you the same and me as well. I love you princess." I said kissing her forehead. "I love you too daddy." She said wrapping her little arms around my neck. Once dinner was ready we all sat down and started to eat. Natalie was loving it, she is definitely my little girl. I was holding Josh while Eleanor was holding Bella, They were both pounding their hands on the table and giggling. The phone started to ring and it was a little weird because no one calls us during dinner, Eleanor got up and handed Bella to my mom and answered the phone in the living room. She walked back in a few minutes later. "Baby who was that?" I asked. "It was Carrie." She said in disbelief. "Oh what did she want?" I said standing up. "She wants me to go on tour and open up for her." She said looking back into my eyes from across the table. 

Love Y’all!! 

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