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Hunter's POV

While Eleanor was out doing some shopping and just having a relaxing day, I was at home with the kids. We were all at the table coloring when the phone rang. "That's probably mommy." I said. The twins screeched at the sound of Mommy's name and started wiggling in their booster seats. "Hello." I said into the phone. "Hey Hunter, is Eleanor there?" The voice said on the phone. "No Brad, she's not, why what's up?" I asked, noticing the uneasiness in his voice. "It's dad..." He said trailing off. I could hear him trying to hold back tears. "What's wrong, what happened?" I asked. "He had a heart attack, he didn't make it." He said before he broke down. "I don't know what to say, I'm so sorry man. I'll tell Eleanor though and I'll make sure she's on the first flight out there." I said going over to the computer to look at flights. "Okay, thanks man." He said then hung up. I was trying hard not to cry in front of the kids but it wasn't easy. He was like a second father to me. Once I booked a flight for Eleanor I put the kids down for a nap and packed some clothes for Eleanor. 

I sat down in the livingroom strumming my guitar trying to find a way to tell Eleanor. Sooner then I hoped, Eleanor walked in carrying 6 shopping bags, one from each store she went to and she had the biggest grin on her face. This is going to be harder then I thought. I put my guitar down and stood up, she set her bags down and walked over to me. "Hunter I needed that so much, you have no idea." She said gently kissing me. I let out a nervous chuckle. "Um honey, your brother called a little while ago." I said before I was cut off. "Uh oh, is he upset that I told dad that he couldn't come here?"  She asked moving back slightly. "Sweetie, your dad had a heart attack. He passed away." I said as gently as possible. Her eyes doubled in size. "Oh my god." She whispered. "Hey it's going to be okay, he was asleep when it happened. He didn't suffer at all." I said reaching out to her. "No You don't understand. The last thing I said to my father was a lie, I told him he couldn't come here because I was sick. The last thing I said to my father was a lie." She said walking over and falling into my arms. "I'm right here, It's going to be okay baby." I whispered into her ear while rubbing her back. 

Eleanor's POV

While Hunter was putting the kids to bed I was in our room making sure I had everything for my trip, all the while trying to hold back tears. I put my bag down and crawled into bed letting the overwhelming sadness take over my body. The light turned off and I felt the bed dip, Hunter pulled me into his arms and let me cry into his chest. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. "I'm so sorry angel, I know it hurts but I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. I wish you didn't have to go through this." He whispered soothingly. I didn't know what else to do so I just cried, I don't even think I could complete a sentence with all my sobbing. Hunter started to sing Wanted while rubbing my back until I calmed down, although I never fell asleep. I just layed there sleeplessly thinking of all the memories I've had with my dad. Hunter stirred slightly and tightened his grip on me, I rubbed his arm until he was content enough to fall back to seep. I looked at the clock and saw it was 1:25 AM. Well better try to get some sleep, it's going to be a long week. 

Hunter's POV

I woke up and saw Eleanor with a blotchy and tear stained face. My poor baby. I slowly crawled out of bed and tiptoed into the kitchen to start some coffee, on my way up I started the shower for her. Once I got back to our room I set her coffee on her nightstand and kneeled down next to her head. "Wake up love, I've got coffee ready and a shower warming up for you." I said nuzzling my nose against hers. "MMMMMMM." She said shuffling away. "Hey where do you think you're going missy?" I said chuckling. "Your nose is cold." She whined. "Well I'm sorry but if you don't get up then there won't be any warm water left." I said gently running my hand up and down her arm. She groaned then got up sulking to the bathroom. I made the bed and headed downstairs to make something quick for breakfast. Just as I was dishing it up Eleanor walked down the stairs in yoga pants, t-shirt, and converse holding her cup of coffee sipping it. "How are you doing sweetheart?" I asked rubbing her cheek with my thumb. She just shrugged. Eleanor has always been stubborn that way, if you want her to tell you anything you practically have to heimlich it out of her. 

We sat down and ate breakfast before mom came over to watch the kids so I could drive Eleanor to the airport. I walked her to her gate before I said goodbye. "Have a safe flight and call me when you land. Okay?" I said looking into her bloodshot eyes. "I will." She responded, eyes watering. "Oh baby, come here." I said pulling her into my arms. She started crying but pulled it together when they announced her flight. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I said lifting her chin up so she was looking at me. "Okay." She whispered. "I love you baby." I said leaning down to kiss her. When we pulled away I leaned my forehead on hers. "I love you too." She whispered before walking to the plane gate. 

Eleanor's POV

Soon they announced the plane was going to land and before I knew it I was running to my brother. I was sobbing hysterically while he was trying to calm me down and not start crying himself. "Come on, we've got some things to do." He whispered, grabbing my bag and helping me to the car. "So when will Hunter be getting here?" He asked. "He has a flight early tomorrow morning." I replied wiping a few stray tears away. "That's good." He said pulling into the funeral home parking lot. We walked in and saw my Aunt and Uncle, when I saw them I started crying all over again. They were my dad's closest relatives and mine as well. But what shocked me was that my grandfather was there. "Hey, I didn't know you were going to be here." I said walking over and hugging him. "I needed to be here for you and your brother." He said looking between my brother and I. "Well I'm glad you're here." I said smiling. 

A few hours later and about a box and a half of tissues used up just by me, we made all the funeral arrangements. My aunt, uncle, brother and grandpa went over to my dad's house, I wasn't able to go there yet so my cousin and I just went for a drive. We didn't have anywhere planned, just seeing where it would take us. We ended up at the waterfront, it was dusk and it was the perfect tempurature so we walked out to the pier. When we sat down and I thought of all the memories we had here, all the unplanned trips to take pictures and just sit and think. This was my safe place, where my parents didn't fight, just a serene place. The last time I was here was when I was with my parents and now both of them are gone. Michelle put her arm around me and I cried on her shouder, nothing needed to be said I knew she was there for me and for that I was eternally grateful. Later that night I tried to sleep but had no success, I laid there completly restless. The door opened then closed and I thought nothing of it. I thought it was my brother getting fresh air or my grandfather going out to smoke. There was some faint talking before exhaustion took over and I fell asleep. 

Just as I fell asleep I felt the bed dip and someone wrap their arms around my waist. I turned to see Hunter laying next to me. "What are you doing here?" I muttered sleepily. "I got an earlier flight." He whispered kissing my nose. "Where are the kids?" I asked. "Downstairs with your grandpa getting aquainted." He replied. "Oh okay." I said yawning. "I'm sorry I woke you, get some sleep sweetheart you look exhausted." He said pulling me closer so my head rested on his chest then kissed my forehead. I was out like a light. 



What do you think of this, 2 updates in a week!

So I go on vacation as of 10pm tomorrow night and I see Hunter in 5 days!!! 

Thanks so much for reading and I'll see you next time!

Stay Beauiful         


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