It Hurts

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Hunter's POV

Did she just say she is pregnant? Did I hear her correctly? "Wait, you're pregnant?" I asked her. She nodded her head smiling and tears building up in her eyes. "Baby that's amazing!" I exclaimed picking her up and wrapping her in a tight hug. I laid her back down then laid my head on her stomach, rubbing it gently. "Hey peanut, we love you so much already. I can't wait to meet you, you have the best mommy in the world." I looked up at Eleanor and winked, she blushed and brought her hand to my head and started running her fingers through my hair. "I can't believe you're pregnant again sweetheart. That's so amazing." I whispered, tears threatening to pour from my eyes. "How are we going to tell everyone?" She asked. "Hmm, let me think about it for a little but and I'll get back to you." I said smiling already thinking of how to tell people, I wanted this to be special. We stayed in bed for a bit before I got up, "Where are you going?" She asked. "It's a surprise." I said winking and leaving the room. I walked to the kitchen and got the box of chocolate covered strawberries from the fridge that she didn't know I picked up and brought then upstairs. "Where did you get those from?" She said laughing. "I got them for a special occasion, and what do you know we have a special occasion to celebrate." I replied walking over and sitting down. We are them while talking about girls to tell the kids and started talking about names before falling asleep.

Eleanor's POV

My stomach has not been agreeing with me this morning, I've gotten up for about the 4th time to throw up. Darn morning sickness, I got done brushing my teeth to walk out and find Hunter standing there worried. "Are you okay?" He asked sleepily. "Yah just some morning sickness, but I'm fine." I said smiling. "Okay, let's get you to bed." He said taking my hand and leading me back to bed. He laid me down then crawled in on his side, pulling me close to him and setting his hand on my stomach rubbing slow and gentle circles. It helped tons and relaxed me, I've been anxious lately and I don't know why. "Just try to get some rest, I'll take care of the kids." Hunter said leaning down and kissing my forehead then humming Wanted. My eyes almost instantly closed listening to the sound of his voice, the fact that I was extremly exhausted could have something to do with it.

Hunter's POV

After Eleanor had fallen asleep I want to go check on the kids. The twins were up and squirming around in their cribs happily. They're not like most babies, they don't cry when they want out of their cribs, surprisingly they like it. "How's daddies big boy doing?" I said picking him up and bringing home over to the changing table." He laughed and squirmed happily in response. "I changed his diaper then blew a few raspberries in his yummy. He squealed in reply then giggled. I changed Bella and brought them both to Nat's room. "Let's wake sissy up huh?" I whispered then placed them on her bed. "The both crawled around them crawled up to her pillow. "She groaned and pulled the blanket over her head. She's just like her mommy, loves her sleep. "Nat sweetie, it's time to get up." I said. "I don't wanna." She whined. "I know but you gotta." I said picking her up and tickling her." "Ahh no." She yelled trying to squirm out of my grip. "Shh, we have to be quiet." I said putting her down. "Why?" She asked confused. "Because mommy is still sleeping." I said making her bed. "I'll go wake her up." Nat said starting to run out of the room. "Oh no you don't." I said running to grab her. "Mommy isn't feeling well so I want to let her sleep for a while. We can see how she is feeling later." I said setting her down and grabbing Josh and Bella and heading to the kitchen. "Oh oh oh, can we make mommy a card." Nat asked sitting at her little kids table in the dining room that a joined the kitchen. "That's a great idea pumpkin, why don't you get some paper and crayons and I'll make one with you." I replied while getting some Cheerios for the twins, that was their favorite breakfast or really any meal. I got the box down from the cupboard and as soon as they saw it their eyes lit up and they whispered "Cheerios" in unison. It was so cute. I went to check on Eleanor and she was in the bathroom with the door shut. "Sweetheart, are you okay? Please open the door." I said noticing it was locked. "Hunter I'm fine, please just go away I don't want you to see me like this." She cried then I heard her throwing up again. "I grabbed a spare key and was at her side in an instant. "I hate being sick Hunter." She said still hanging over the toilet. "I know baby, but it will get better." I said rubbing up and down her back to provide some kind of comfort and relief. I brought her back to bed and tucked her in. "Go back to sleep, I'll have something ready for when you wake up." I said and kissed her forehead. I went down to the kitchen and poured a cup of ginger ale and left it on the counter so it could flatten out a little. I'm not sure bubbles are good for her stomach right now.

So I think I've come up with the perfect way to tell our parents about the baby. I got everything set up and we took the pictures. I was at my computer editing them. Here's what the reveal looked like. The picture was of Eleanor and I holding the twins and Nat holding a baby doll. There was a sign in the background that read "This family is about to get even more crazy on July 8th 2022" within about 5 minutes of me sending the picture our phones both flooded with calls from my mom and dad and Eleanor's dad. Of course they were excited to become grandparents again. I also posted the picture on Twitter and people were ecstatic.

||3 Months Later||

Eleanor's POV

Things have been going a little more smoothly now. My morning sickness has pretty much gone away, I've been really tired and my ankles have swelled to the size of baseballs. Hunter has been really cautious, he has pretty much put me on bed rest and won't let me do anything. I can't even get up to walk to the bathroom on my own without hearing "What are you doing, are you okay?" Then he's at my side with one arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand holding mine. I chuckle at his protectiveness but I am so thankful, not all women have such caring husbands. I'm so incredibly lucky to have him, even though he did do this to me. I was in the bathroom for what felt like the hundredth time today, something didn't feel right. I don't know what, but I had a bad feeling about it. I got up and saw something I knew was never good while you are pregnant. "Hunter I'm bleeding!" I screamed and started to cry.

Hunter's POV

"Hunter I'm bleeding!" I heard Eleanor scream. Oh no, no, no, no, no. I said to myself and raced into the bathroom. I found her curled on the floor in a ball in pain. "Hunter it hurts." She said through gritted teeth. "It's going to be okay baby, I promise nothing is going to happen. I'm right here, you're fine." I said pulling out my phone and calling my parents over to watch the kids. As soon as they got here I carried Eleanor out to the car and raced to the hospital. We were brought into a room immediately, her doctor came in and checked Eleanor's stomach. She doctor didn't have a pleasant look on her face, which worried me even more. "Mr and Mrs Hayes I'm afraid in order to save your baby's life, we'll have to do a C-Section." She said. "No it's too soon." Eleanor mumbled shaking her head. "Shh it's going to be okay. Remember what I said, I'll be right here. I won't let anything happen to you or our baby." I said rubbing my finger back and forth across the back of her hand and kissing her forehead. Once I got her to agree they started prepping her for surgery. I got on a pair of scrubs and sat down next to her head. They had the sheet up so she couldn't see what they were doing, I snuck a peek and saw they were starting to cut her stomach open. Grossed out, I leaned back and placed a kiss on Eleanor's temple and whispered words of encouragement in her ear. They had safely taken our baby out and cleaned our little miracle off. They placed the baby in Eleanor's arms, all 2 pounds 8 ounces. "You pick the name Hunter." Eleanor said looking up at me. "Aiden... Aiden Brooks Hayes. The perfect name for my new son."

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