You Won't Be Able To Sing

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Eleanor's POV

We've only got 10 shows left of the tour, it's gone by so fast I can't believe it's almost over. All this singing has taken a toll on my voice too. I haven't told anyone about it yet because I want to finish he tour. "Eleanor, time to get up." I heard Hunter whisper. I turned over to face him, "Good morning sweetheart, it's time to get up." He said while stroking my cheek. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out... My eyes widened and I looked at Hunter. "What's wrong sweetheart?" He asked me worriedly. I pointed at my throat since I couldn't talk. 

Hunters POV

"Okay, open up so I can see." I said calmly. She shook her head and backed away from me. "It's okay I'm not going to hurt you baby, I just need to look at your throat." I said as calmly as I could to ease her worries. She hesitantly nodded and scooted back over to me. "Okay open up for me." I said. She slowly opened and I gasped. "Sweetheart, your that is incredibly red." I told her. "You probably won't be able to sing." She started to tear up. "Hey don't cry, it's going to be okay." I told her pulling her into a hug. "How about I go make you some tea and we can have a movie day." I suggested. She slowly looked up and nodded while sniffling. "Okay I love you." I said kissing her forehead. She opened her mouth to try to say something but she soon had the look of realization on her face. She held up her pointer finger then turned to get something off her nightstand. She turned back with a pen and a pad of paper, after scribbling something down she turned it towards me. It read "I love you too Hunter, forever and always." I chuckled and kissed her forehead, then told her to pick out some movies while I was gone. She nodded and I got up tongi to the kitchen, I pulled out my phone and dialed Carrie. It rang a few times before she picked up, "Hey hunter, what's up?" She asked cheerily into the phone. "Hey Carrie, we've got a bit of a problem." I said while filling up the tea kettle. "Oh no, what's wrong?" She asked concerned. "Well you see, Eleanor has lost her voice and her throat is as red as a tomato." I explained pulling out a packet of green tea and a bottle of honey. "Oh, poor thing." She replied. "Well that's no problem, we've got someone else who can open. Just tell her to get her rest and not to worry. And tell her I'll visit later."she said. "Okay will do Carrie, thanks. 

Eleanor's POV

While I was waiting for Hunter to get back I looked through the movies. Whenever I am sick I am always in the mood to watch Christmas movies so I picked out A Christmas Story and The Polar Express. I set them by the tv and crawled back into bed, just as I got covered back up Hunter came in with tea, Oreos, popcorn and Ben & Jerry's. I smiled at him as he walked in, he is so sweet. "Okay love, did you pick out some movies." He asked while setting the tray down on the bed. I nodded my head and pointed towards the tv. He walked over and picked them up, he turned around chalking his head. "Really?" He asked jokingly. I nodded shyly, pulling the blanket up to my chin. "Okay, but only because I love you so much." He said winking. I blushed and sunk lower into the bed. I felt the bed shift a few minutes later then the opening music to A Christmas Story. I pulled the blankets down and sat up grinning happily. I snuggled up to hunter and started to snack on some of the popcorn and ice cream.

Hunter's POV

As we were watching the movie I looked over at Eleanor and in between bits of ice cream she was mouthing the words.

"You love this movie don't you?" I asked chuckling. She nodded her head frantically still looking at the screen. She started to cry during Christmas morning. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked pulling her into my side. "I miss my mom." She wrote on the paper. "I know you do love, I know you do." I said rubbing her back. Once that movie was done I turned to Eleanor and she was starting to get a little sleepy. "Do you want to watch the next movie?" I asked waking her up a little. She nodded her head sleepily. I got up and put it in and went to get Eleanor a glass of water. I came back and held it out to her. She shook her head. "Come on love, you need to drink this, it'll help your throat." She finally have in and took it. "That's my girl." I said sitting on the bed next to her. As soon as she swallowed she winced. "I know it hurts love, but soon it'll be all over and you'll be good as new." I reassured her pulling her close and kissed her forehead. We watched the movie, me tracing my fingers up and down her arm to try to help her relax so she could sleep, once the train passed the frozen lake I looked down and she was asleep. Slowly got up and took her tea cup and the remaining food out to the kitchen to put it away. I came back and crawled back into bed and pulled Eleanor closer to me. "Sleep well sweetheart." I said kissing her forehead before falling asleep myself. 

Eleanor's POV

I woke up to find find the movie paused and Hunter sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair, then turned to grab the cup of water. I swallowed and it hurt worse hen earlier. I felt Hunter rest his hand on my back a few seconds later. "Hey babe, are you feeling any better?" I shook my head and pouted. "I'm sorry baby, I promise it'll be over soon. I wish I could do more to help, I hate seeing you sick." He said helplessly. I just wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest.!a few minutes later the comfortable silence was broken by a knock on the bus door. "I'll be right back." Hunter said kissing my forehead. I could hear muffled voices through the door until it slowly opened, in popped Carrie's head. Once she saw I was awake she smiled and walked in. "Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" She asked sitting next to me and grabbing my hand. I just shrugged my shoulders sadly. "Well I got this for you, hopefully it'll make you feel better." She said pulling a teddy bear from behind her back. This bear was very special because it was made at the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory. My eyes lit up when I saw it, "I think she likes it." Carrie said giggling to Hunter. I hugged her to thank her.  

Hunter's POV

Carrie stayed for a little but until it was sound check time, once she left Eleanor wanted to watch he rest of The polar Express then home Alone 2: Lost in New York. "You really need to be resting missy." I said trying to be serious. She did her puppy dog face complete with her big brown doe eyes that I fell in love with. "Nope, not going to happen." I said standing my ground. She got up and crawled over next to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Nope." I said shaking my head. She leaned up and kissed my cheek and brushed her nose along my ear and kisses just below it. I breathed in a sharp breath because that is one of my week points and she knows it. "Okay you win." I sighed in defeat. She smiled and kissed my cheek. "You're lucky you're cute missy. But tomorrow you are going to be in bed all day resting." I said pointing my finger at her trying to be stern. She saw right through it and smiled nodding.& we finished both movies around 10 pm. "Okay princess, you've seen your movies now it's bedtime." I said turning the tv off. She nodded her head while yawning, I laid down and she curled up next to me. "Wait, can I have a kiss?" I asked playfully. She looked up at me and shook her head. "Are you worried about me getting sick?" I asked. She nodded. "Well you don't need to worry about me baby. I've gone a whole day without kissing you, it's been torture." I pleaded. She shook her head again. "What about a kiss on the cheek?" I bargained. She sighed and nodded. As she got close enough I turned so she kissed my lips. She immediately pulled away looking angry. She started to move away, "I'm sorry love don't hate me, I love you." I said pulling her back to me. She stuck her tongue out in response. "I promise, I won't do it again." I said slowly bringing my hands down to her sides. Then I started to slowly move my fingers, she started wiggling around to get free. "There's that smile." I teased, I finally stopped when I saw she couldn't breath that well. "Okay let's get some sleep, it's been a long day." I said pulling blankets up. "Goodnight princess, I love you." I mumbled sleepily. She picked her head up and kissed my chest right where my heart is then laid her head back down closing her eyes and falling asleep. 

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