Your Name Would Be A Good Tattoo

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Eleanor's POV 

The tour ended a few days ago, Hunter wanted to take a few extra days before we got back to the kids. The day after the last concert Hunter took me to a tattoo parlor. "What are we doing here?" I rasped because I still didn't have much of a voice. "I thought we could gat each others names tattooed on ourselves." He said with a huge smile. It wouldn't be my first so I wasn't really worried about the pain. I hate needles but I'm fine with tattoos, weird right? "Okay." I said agreeing with his totally spontaneous plan. "Are you sure you can handle this?" I asked giggling. "If you can do it, I can do it." He tried to say confidently, but I sensed the nervousness in his voice. We both sat down in the chairs and Hunter took out his phone and took a picture. 

Hunter's POV

I posted the picture on twitter of us sitting across from each other in the chairs so we could hold each others hand, let's face it I was scared shitless. "@/hunterhayes: Getting my first tattoo with my wife. I might be having second thoughts... @/eleanorhayes." As the started to dip the neddle in the ink I gulped. Soon I felt a hand grip my own and lace their fingers with mine. I look over to see Eleanor smiling at me, instantly calming me down. When the needle touched my skin I flinched lightly but I had to keep still. Abut half an hour later they were done. I looked at them both together, they were perfect. I took another picture and posted it on twitter. "@/hunterhayes: Your name, your name sounds so good next to mine, just saying @/eleanorhayes." After they wrapped up the tattoos on our wrists we went to grab some lunch then relax. We headed home because I missed the kids even more then I had before. I could definitely tell that Eleanor missed them because she has been texting my mom for the past hour and asking her to send her pictures and updates. 

Eleanor's POV

Finally we were home, I could see my babies, I've missed them so much these past few months. When we walked in Lynette and Leo were carrying the twins while Nat ran up to Hunter and right into his arms. After I saw the twins I walked over to Hunter. "Can I get a hug from my beautiful 3 year old?" I said holding out my arms. She shook her head and wrapped her arms around Hunter's neck tighter. "Silly girl." I said shaking my head and kissing her forehead then went to the kitchen to start dinner. Natalie has always been a daddy's girl, she isn't going to like it when he goes on tour in a couple weeks but we'll worry about that when the time comes. 

||Fast Forward a couple weeks|| 

Hunter's POV

Eleanor and I were laying in bed, my arms were wrapped around her and our eggs were tangled together. "I don't want you to leave." She whispered gently running her fingers up and down my chest. "I know baby, but it'll only be a couple months. It'll fly by." I said trying to reassure her. But I wasn't even convincing myself. I was going to miss her like crazy, she was my everything, my best friend, my partner in crime and in life. Not to mention the mother to my 3 beautiful children, but recently we have been trying for another child. "We'd better get up so you can get ready, as much as I hate to say it you have to leave soon." She said, I could tell she was tying not to cry. "Hey none of that now." I said leaning down to peck her lips. Eventually we got up and made breakfast for everyone. The bus just pulled up, I started with the twins in saying goodbye. "Bye kiddos." I said kissing their foreheads and giving then light squeezes. I picked up Natalie who was pouting. I'll see you soon okay pumpkin?" I said looking into her eyes. She broke down in sobs. "No daddy, don't go." She screamed and locked her arms around my neck. "It'll be okay, I'll be back soon. Besides you have mommy." I said trying to soothe my crying daughter while Eleanor gently put her hand on Nat's back. "No!" She screeched hugging me tighter. "I'm sorry but I have to go Nat." I said, she jumped out of my arms and ran to her room, slamming the door behind her.  

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