The way things happened

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The day had grown dark and grey the few months that we had hidding out in our house wasnt that great.My name is Alexandria but most just call me Alex. Alex Moretti im 16 years old and trying to make my way throughout this world. since the day the news found out about the zombies and tried there best to quarentine them,it never worked but me and my family where teriffed. that we'd  loose each other on the path,that we'd loose each other fighting this i wanted to stay with them i wanted to grow with them but whose to say that it was going to happen at all i was just waiting for the day that they could come save us was cold all the time now that the dead where basically roaming around wanting to eat your face off. whenever one came near me i'd just slowly walk away from me,i mean too much noise might set it off and than you're going to have 1,000 more coming after you wanting to eat you for dinner,and i didn't want to be there dinner what so ever.i could be my own dinner but not there dinner i use to always think that i was lucky that maybe nothing bad would happen.but the first time i saw it on the news was the day that i'll never forget it was like the most horrifying thing that i could ever see, the news reporter was running away trying to get away from people and the camera man was so focused on the zombies eating people that he couldnt focuse on the reporter herself while she was screaming about how they where eating people and the infection was growing the camera man must have been shocked cause right in front of him was a somebody nawing on somebody right infront of him,he'd focus down and than back up. the weird thing is though even though the zombie was in front of him the zombie never attacked him in fact the zombie just kept on nawing on somebody else and it was the most grossest thing in the world,my mom watched in horror and started crying my brother was just oh thats cool.yeah thats cool there eating  people while you watch on tv. i looked around afraid that everyone would get infected and infect me. well that was never the plan the government though they had a new plan it was like some sort of biochemical thing,they tried to quarentine everyone when me and my mom went into the quarentine they where shouting and pushing everyone through the tent,and when i tried to hold onto my mothers hand,the officers looked me in the eye and they where cold mean eyes my hand slipped from hers and i got shoved and pushed through the crowd of people i wanted a way out i wanted my mother and thats when i screamed "mommy!"  she screamed back at me "just keep going we'll meet up again!" they where wanding people,to see if anybody had the virus i covered my mouth so incase people around me did have it i wouldnt get infected and when somebody touched me i flinch and about smack them upside there head the hardest thing was to keep my thoughts to myself,to tell myself "moms going to be okay,everyones going to be okay" my thoughts where constantly intrupped with a lot of screaming,beeping,shoving,coughing and  was caotic and could shock a kid into a panic attack i tightened my fingers around my mouth and when it was my turn i noticed that the wand was beeping infront of me,i stepped back my eyes got big and the person infront of me was thrusted to the ground and shot. i nearly wanted to cry i wanted to squirm away from them,but they grabbed me by my arms and shoved me forwared i stood there while they wanded me,i watched it as it slide down me and the hole time the guys eyes where staring at me like in a digusting way,they shoved me forwared through the gates and thats when i called out "mamma? Papa?" i felt a cold hand touch my shoulder thats when i noticed my brother,i tightly hugged him against my small body "do you know where mamma and papa are? have you seen them?" he just looked around and then pointed and there they where standing there watching us. me and my brother both ran to them,they hugged us tight.the government wanted to secure everyone they shoved my family into the truck,we sat down on the bench holding onto one another if anything i wasnt going to loose them. i thought of my boyfriend and where he was he could be anywhere by now, i would try and text him but all the services where down. they called this the transmission from one place to another they thought that taking us to another state would save our poor souls,but i bet your bottom that every state would soon become infected.i wasnt shocked or scared i was motionless and i just wanted my parents to be okay i didnt really care about anything else at all.i opened the curtain and watched as the calmness over came with people running all over the place it soon became caotic and i watched in horror my father slapped his hand on the window and told me to close the curtian. i shut it and sat back,feeling the car move i just shut my eyes and laid back. i wanted this to end i wanted everything to be okay. all i know is,its time for us to move on and try and start over again. 

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